Cat fight || part 2

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Third Person's P.O.V.

Kazutora knock in the door, waiting for Baji to open it

'Maybe his already asleep'

He sigh and about to leave, when the door opened

"hm.. It's late, who's the-..." Baji opened the door, he looks like he just woke up

Kazutora turned around to see Baji in his pajama...

"Kazutora?! I thought you'll stay in petshop?!" Baji ran to Kazutora, he doesn't even bother to wear anything

"I just missed you~" Kazutora walk closer to Baji

He hug Baji in his waist, looking up to him. Baji hugged him back

"I miss you too, I miss your scent too" Baji cupped Kazutora's chin

"Ya'know~" Kazutora remove his hands at Baji's waist


"It's cold out here, let's go inside" Kazutora hold Baji's arm, and pull him inside


Chifuyu just got off the plane, he was walking around, looking for his boyfriends...

Then he spotted a person with long black hair, with blond tips..


He pulled his bag, and walk closer to the person. But before he gets closer, he notice it wasn't Kazutora

Kazutora have a girly body, but he doesn't wear a girly clothes

Chifuyu is tired of walking around, looking for his two boyfriend, so he sat in one of the bench

"where tf is that two..!" Chifuyu whisper to himself, texting his boyfriends for a hundred times

It's been an hour, and Chifuyu still keeps waiting

"CHI-CHI- AHHH!"  Kazutora shout caughting Chifuyu's attention, but unfortunately Kazutora fall down

Chifuyu chuckle walking closer to Kazutora to help him up

"Are you alright?"

"Yep, It's just a bruise"  Kazutora smile

But before he could stand, Chifuyu hit his head

"I've been waiting here for like... FOREVER!" Chifuyu pout,

"haha sorry, Baji is throwing a tantrum" Kazutora scratch his head


"Last night I went home and..."


Kazutora and Baji are in the couch, watching a movie. They can't sleep

Kazutora is laying in the couch, while Baji was intop of him

"Ya smell so good~" Baji said

"why, thank you"

Suddenly Baji raise his head in Kazu's chest

"Is there something wrong?"


Baji hold Kazutora's chin...

"Baji? Whats wrong, really?"

Baji sit down, so Kazutora followed him

Baji slowly move closer to Kazutora.

Kazutora closed his eyes. until he felt Baji's lips on his

Kazutora wrap his arm around Baji's shoulder... The kiss is getting hotter and deeper

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