Problem || part 5

416 17 3

Baji's P.O.V.

I opened to see a guy with a full black suit

"Can I help you..?" I ask

"Your Baji Keisuke, right? Im here for-" The guy walk closer to me

I freak out and closed the door, but his foot are in between the door

"It's rude to close the door at someone else face" He said

"Im not interested in wha-" I was cut by the manager who is shouting and running at our direction

"WE ALL NEED TO GO! THE STORM IS COM-" but before the manager continue what he is saying, the guy in a suit shoot him

The gun has silencer, so no one was alert that theres an armed guy in the place

"My boss order me to kill you and your lovers, it's for Mikey's sake dont worry" He smiled pointing a gun in my head

I was still stunned about the managers death, my breathing become shaky, my hand is trembling

What can I do? he can kill me right away, he have a gun... I bit my lower lips

"KEI~! what takes you so longg!" I heard Tora shouting from the living room..

"dont worry he'll join you in a minute" He was about to pulled the trigger

I dont know what comes to me, but my body suddenly move

My fist landed in his face, I pick the gun. He tried to fight me so I have to kick him, that makes him fall in the ground

I grab the gun and hit the guy's nape, it send the guy for short sleep

"fuck.." I murmured

I need to clean this... I need to..!

I search if he had more weapon

apparently he have a knife and two more gun, some extra bullets in his pocket

I pick up the manager and the guy and carry them at the garden at the back

I buried the dead body, and put the guy in a boat letting him sail


Third person's P.O.V.

Baji is still in Chifuyu and Kazutora's arm wimpering

"Are you... feeling better now? " Chifuyu ask caressing Baji's back

"Im sorry... I didn't mean to freak you out" Baji burried his head more at Tora's shoulder

"dummy you dont need to put an act around us" Kazutora

"we need to leave... as fast as we can.." Baji tried to stand up, but Chifuyu pulled him down

"explain what happen first" -Chifuyu


Baji explain all happened


after Baji explain everything, the two were just to stun to even speak...

"t-the.. manager.. did you double check.." Chifuyu look up to Baji and ask

"his dead fuyu.." Baji wiped the hair in Chifuyu's face

Kazutora stand up and walk to the door to lock it

"But-we're not connected to Mikey anymore..." Chifuyu slowly lose his voice in realization

"fuck it Kei! I told you to stop contacting Mikey! Now his enemy are after us!" Kazutora walk in the room, his obviously furious about the situation

"Im sorry oky!" -Baji

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2022 ⏰

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