Ocean || part 4

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Third Person's P.O.V.

The two followed Chifuyu down the beach

Baji look around, theres only few people

two girls in bikini laying down, a kid playing with the sand, A group of students playing all around, and a bunch of gangsters...

'damn they look rich' Baji thought to himself

Suddenly a water splash all over his face


"C'mon Baji, let's enjoy the water" -Chifuyu

Baji is still loading...

"Should I smack him?" Kazutora said, he already swim with Chifuyu, when Baji is still blanking

"his staring at those girls, please give him a hard smack" -Chifuyu


Kazutora stand up from the water and hit Baji's stomach

"OUCH!" Baji

"what're you staring at"-Kazutora

Baji stand straight and carry Kazutora  in his shoulder

"Im just observing!" -Baji

"Liar! you dont observe" Chifuyu stand up from the water

"I am" Baji smirk as he throw Kazutora at Chifuyu


Chifuyu fall at the bottom while Kazutora are on top on him

"Lemme join" Baji ran to the beach

Kazutora just stand up when he see Baji running to them "wait baji-"

Baji jump at the top of Kazutora, luckily for Chifuyu he already got away from where he fall, but his still under water

Kazutora and Chifuyu stand up

"I almost drown?!" Chifuyu starts complaining

Kazutora is just stretching his back

Baji then stand up, his wet hair are all over his face


Baji flipped his hair, the water from his hair dripping at his naked wet chest

"what? oh sorry" Baji put his hair in the bun

"Baji let's make a baby-" Chifuyu suddenly sspeak

Baji was shock when he heared what Chifuyu said, so he turn around

aparently his two boyfriend had a malfunction

Chifuyu's face is red as potato, his smiling like he really mean what he just said

and Kazutora just had a nose bleed, his face is also red

"HEY WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU TWO!" Baji ran to his boyfriends

He hold Chifuyu's chin,

"are you alright? you're hot" Baji

"But you're hotter" Kazutora mumble, but Baji still hear it

he turn around to Kazutora still confuse "what..."

"I think Im not feeling good" Chifuyu

"Then let me-" Baji was about to carry Chifuyu to the shore

"I need some loving at bed~" Chifuyu smirk

"Damn fuyu" Baji just cover his face, his blushing like a total mess

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