Liz.. Beth.. Elizabeth

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"Flight number QRT 207 boarding gates are open."
Finally I was nearing the days when I will be close to my idol Idina Menzel. I went to the boarding desk, gave my passport and ticket. The lady at the desk went behind with my passport and ticket to discuss something with another staff member. I was confused plus a tad bit scared because I really didn't want something
wrong to happen. I waited patiently trying not to show that I was worried. The lady came back with a really warm smile on her face, I smiled back. I asked if everything was okay and she said that everything was fine, they just boosted my seat from economy class to business class. Luck I guess. I got my boarding pass and went to get seated. I sat next to the window waiting for everyone to get boarded on and the plane to take off. Just when I though that the seat next to me
won't be occupied by any passenger , a woman came and sat on it. She was a brunette. She was somewhat of my height. She was wearing a hat, a big hat to be precise. It almost covered her face and she wore sunglasses in the plane, which I found kind of weird. A full sleeve yellow shirt and jeans with boots uptil her knees. I liked her dressing. Well everyone settled down and after all the announcements, we finally took off. It was a long flight from Sydney to Newyork. I fell asleep for a couple of hour but I couldn't sleep anymore and didn't have anything to do at all. I took my phone out and plucked the headphones in listened to some songs by Idina.
After a while I took out the headphones and sat there bored to hell. I turned around and noticed the women was up too. I thought that I should try talking to her. "Excuse me?" She turned her head and said "Yes." "Hi, I'm Hope, and was wondering where are u going?" "NYC." . "Oh! What a coincidence I am going there too." "Ahan." She said busy in her phone , not even bothering to look up at me. That
was not how I expected our chat to go. I finally said
"Listen its an awfully long flight , can we be friends?" Putting my hand up to shake hands with her. She finally responded she shook hands "Hi Hope, nice to meet you." "And your name is?" I asked. "My name is ....." "Is?" "is.. Liz ,I mean Beth .. ahh.. I mean Elizabeth." "Nice to meet you Elizabeth."
"Why are you going to NYC?" She asked cutting. "It was my dream to meet my idol and she's in NYC so...." I trailed off,
"May I ask why are you going there?" " I am currently working there. And who's your idol?" Elizabeth asked "You probably
dont know her." I said in despair "C'mon tell me, I might know her or may be might be a fan too." I sighed and said
"Idina Menzel. Do you know her?" "NO!" Elizabeth said in a strict way and looked away. But she soon turned around and said that she would love to know what I know about Idina. I told the woman everything. She was dumbstrucked to know, how much I know about Idina . I just leaned my head over the window and closed my eyes for a while. I heard her humming some song. It sounded familiar. I asked her what sing was it and by whom. "It's a song called Penny , by ..... I don't know who." "It's by Idina!!" I half screamed. "Really?" "Yes, its from her album here, which she released in 2004." "You really know a lot about her." "Definitely!" "Sorry to interrupt , but please fasten your seat belts as the plane is going through a rough situation. Thank you." The air hostess said. The plane started to shake. I was extremely scared . I closed my eye holding the armrest really really tight saying "God please I don't want to die. I don't want to die before meeting Idina please!" I said almost tearing up. I felt someone's hand firmly holding mine. I looked up and it was
Elizabeth. "Don't be scared hun you won't die. I'm right here for you." She said with a really assuring smile. "Can still hold your hand? Till the plane becomes stable again?" "Sure Hope."

I don't know when I fell a sleep but all I know is when I woke up my head was leaning against Elizabeth's shoulder and still held her hand.
"Hey hun! How are you feeling? " I was greeted by Elizabeth's warm smile. "Better." I said stretching and rubbing my eyes. "How many hours are left till we reach NYC?" Just when asked this question we heard the pilot saying that the flight has been diverted to London because of the blizzard. "No , no please , no! "
I had a complete breakdown. I wasn't sobbing quietly enough because Elizabeth heard me. "Hope? What's wrong?" She searched my face for an answer. I couldn't control myself anymore. She lifted the armrest up, which was separating us and moved in closer , taking me in her arms and hugging me. I just cried my heart out. She hummed the most beautiful tune in my ear. I calmed down and moved out of the hug. She stared at me trying to find the answer. I looked away, she held my hand and kept rubbing it. I felt calm now. She noticed that I had calmed down , so she asked me what the matter was. "You won't
understand!" "C'mon maybe I can help. If you feel comfortable, you can tell me." "Elizabeth?"
"Yeah Hope."
"Can I call you Liz ?"
"Sure anything you want."
"Please fasten your seatbelts at we are about to land at Heathrow airport, thank you."
I sighed at that announcement trying to hold back the tears. I fastened my seatbelt and closed my eyes.
"Hope, please don't cry." Liz said. I didn't open my eyes , I just said "Who said I'm crying?" A tear fell from the corner of my eye. "Damn it."
Our plane landed and I just sat there not moving an inch.
"C'mon let's go hun."
"I don't know where to go."
"Look we'll make a deal I will stick by your side till we get you to NYC safely. Okay?"
"Look Liz you don't have to do
this. I...."
"Hey listen you were the one who wanted us to become friends and friend help each other so we are sticking together till we reach NYC, OKAY!!" Liz said leaving no room for argument. I just nodded and unfasten my belt and took my hand carries out.

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