Faces unrevealed

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Passed out
It's so dark I can't see anything. What's going on? Liz? Anybody there?
What is that actually you . Idina? I'm a big fan.
No! Dont! Don't stabb her Nooo!
"Hope!" Liz where are you. Oh Liz I'm coming Liz . I'm trying to run towards you but why aren't you getting any closer?
No! Not Liz ! Don't please !
Why are the walls closing in? What's going on? Liz!!! Idina!!! Help!!!
I woke up shouting out for Liz and Idina . What just happened? My throat was dry and I was breathing heavily and my heart rate was very fast.
"Its okay Hope . I'm here for you . Don't worry." Liz said running her fingers through my hair . I pushed Liz away because I had to puke . I vomited. I felt sick. Liz gave me a glass of water to drink.
"Feel better? What happened Hope?" I couldn't bear it I just let go and cried. Liz hugged to calm me down. I calmed down. It was all back to normal.
"Is he not here yet?" I asked as the memory of a surprise visitor came back to me.
"He was here a while ago. He's gone somewhere . He will be back soon. It's gonna be alright."
"Liz please just tell me who is ...... Liz!!"
"What's wrong Hope?" She hurried to my side.
"Liz my hair !! They are falling a lot!"
"Its okay. It might be a sign of your recovery or maybe its a side effect of some medicine. Calm down . Okay?" I nodded and she left to have the talk with the doctor.
We had lunch. And I couldn't keep it in my tummy. I vomited upon eating anything at all. Liz was worried a lot. She had a lot of talks with the doctor just in an hour. When she returned I asked her. She didn't talk to me and looked away. I forced her into speaking up.
"Hope, I'm sorry your condition is not suitable and you cant leave . You can't go on Saturday." She said staring out the window. I was tearing up.
"What??!! What do you mean?!?!"
"I am sorry. Your passing out a lot , vomiting, hair fall everything is concerning the doctors." She said that and turned towards the door to leave .
"Elizabeth you are not leaving this room until I get my answers!!" I half shouted.
"Tell me ! Liz tell me what the hell is wrong with me !!?? What are these Secret talks about that you and the doctor are having about??!!" No reply.
"You have to tell me right now!!"
"Fine! It's about the illness you have!! Your not healthy Hope you have.."
"What do I have ?"
"Traumatic brain injury."
I couldn't believe what she just said. My head was spinning around . The words kept echoeing in my head.
"I am sorry Hope." We both cried . When finally we both calmed down the nurse came in and said
"Sorry to interrupt but he's back Ms. Elizabeth." Liz nodded and went outside to call him in. I peeked and couldn't believe what my eyes witnessed.
Liz no! How could you ! You called Mark here!
I couldn't believe my eyes. She brought him in.
~~~ flashback~~~~
5 years ago .
"Mum I want to go meet Idina one day."
I said to my mum.
"Honey you will surely meet her." My mum said with the prettiest smile.
"How do you know?" He came in to ruin everything.
"Don't you dare say anything to my angel. I know she will meet her one day for sure." He had the ugliest grin plastered on his face. "I will make sure she doesn't ." I was at the urge of crying. Why did he hate me so much? What did I ever do to him? Why can't Mark just let me be?
My mum stood up. "You will see how my daughter will go meet her and you won't stop her or else?" That set the trigger and Mark got mad , really really mad. "Oh so your challenging me huh?!" He pushed mum and she fell. I was terrified . I didn't want this to happen again. He had beaten mum up before too that's why she had grown old and weak so quick. I couldn't let my brother beat her up again. Just when he was about to kick her . I hit him on the head. I had hitten him really hard on the head with a frying pan. I kept hitting him . I pushed him out of the door and locked the house. He banged and banged but we didn't open . I went to my mums side and proped her up .
"Hope you need to go away from here. Or else he will kill you!" Mum said.
"No ! We will fight him mom . We can mom!"
"Hope you need to go! Get your stuff ready you will leave tonight. "
"But mum I can't leave here alone with him!"
"Hope please just go I will be fine. And no more buts." I was crying. She wiped my tears and hugged me really tight. I ran to my room got my stuff in a suitcase and dragged the suitcase down . Mum gave me all the money she had at that moment and told me to run away far away from here.
We said our goodbyes and cried a lot because we didn't know if we would meet ever again. I got out of the house. In the taxi . Waved to my mum. And heard her shout later "Don't forget to go meet Idina. Live your dreams my angel. I will always be with you!!"
I moved to Sydney then . Continued my studies and got a job. I was well set of. And one day I got a letter from him
I killed her and I'm coming for you.
That was all written.

Liz brought him in. He said,
"Well, well, well if it isn't my sweet angel Hope. All grown up!" With a grin plastered on his face.
So that's him . All the secrets are out. Liked it ? If yes then please click that little star and do comment as they make me very happy.
Ps- forgot to thank idinafanzels for the amazing cover. Check her fanfics out they are awesome

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