Friends in London

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When we got our luggage I suggested that we should ask about the earliest flight to NYC that there is . Liz told me sit on a bench near by and that she will go ask about it. I waited for her .
"When is it?" I asked as Liz came towards me.
"Okay I have a bad news and news which is worse than that for you. Which one do you want first?"
I sighed and said "Let's have the bad one first."
"The next flight to NYC is in a week."
"What?!! No!! Wait if that's the bad news than what's the other news which is worse?" I asked confused.
"Its that we will be spending the next few days together." She said with a bright smile . I laughed a little and then said "You don't have to do this for me Liz, you have already done enough."
"Hey I promised you we will stick together till we reach NYC and besides you were the one who wanted to be friends so now you will have to stick with me."
"Get up you whiney pants we have a city to explore." Liz dragged me off me feet . We hauled a taxi and went to a near by hotel . We had a suite , it was like a tiny apartment with two rooms, one for me and one for Liz , there was a small kitchen with a fridge with a few drinks , a lounge with a tv and a couch . Overall it was a good suite. We went to our rooms unpacked a bit and I lay in bed for a while. We decided to rest for an hour or two and then we will go around the city. I lay in bed thinking about what had happen in a couple of hours and how I had become such good friends with total stranger . Liz was pretty awesome . I can't remember who she looks and sounds like . Besides it is difficult to recognize because of those enormous glasses and hat she doesn't take off. As I was thinking about her my phone buzzed and it was a tweet from Idina . She was doing a q/a . I quickly tweeted her back asking "How's your day going? I made a new friend while I was on my way to you guess what her name is Elizabeth . Hope to see you soon love you loads and loads xoxo."
With that I waited hoping that she would respond . I went out to get me a drink and Liz was there too.
"Hey what's up?" She asked.
"Nothing Idina is doing a q/a on Twitter I'm just hoping to get a response from her."
"Really? What did you tweet her?"
"You! Ha!  I asked her how is she doing and told her about today a bit. And when are you going to take your hat and glasses off?" I asked astonished how she still had them on. She just shrugged and changed the topic asking "Do you want to have pizza?"
"Of course I want it. Rule numeber one: never say no to pizza!" I said cracking Liz up . She went to her room and I went in mine . Apparently Idina stopped answering. I was disappointed that I didn't get a reply. Then suddenly my phone buzzed and I died . Idina Menzel replied to my tweet!! Oh my goodness!!
I sprinted out of the room to Liz and knocked impatiently on the door "LIZ COME OUT PLEASE I'M DIEING !!"
"What's wrong Hope? Can you breathe? Are you dizzy? Is your heart rate okay? Are you fine?"
"Idina Menzel replied to my tweet !!!"
"Seriously?" She said in a sarcastic tone.
"Hope you gave me a heart attack ! I thought something was happening to you like actually !!"
" Sorry not sorry Liz . Now if you excuze me I need to go read the tweet and fangirl."
I came back to my room and read what Idina had replied.
"It's going good. I'm glad you made new a  friend. See you soon. Xoxo "
Liz came in my room with the pizza . We ate and changed. I wore a pair of jeans with t-shirt which said I love idina menzel with a pair of boots and my hair up in a pony tail. When I went outside Liz was there and when I saw her I was just dumbstrucked . She looked so beautiful . She wore casual clothes yet she look stunning , she wore jeans , a t shirt and slippers and of course her enormous glasses and hat which never separated her.
"You look so pretty Liz! Wow!!" I complimented.
"Thank you . You aren't a bad sight either!" Liz said.
"So where do you want to go? Have you been here before? " Liz asked.
"Nope my first time here. How about we go to that wax museum? What's it called? Madame Tussauds is it?" I asked scratching my head in confusion.
"Yes! Now let's go c'mon."
We went down to the reception and left our keys incase anyone of us gets lost so we can come back to the hotel. Then we hauled a taxi, got in and left for the museum. We saw some pretty cool sculpture and they were quite realistic. Then I suggested that I'd love to go see Wicked the musical which is currently running in London. Liz agreed then we went there to see it. I loved wicked a lot and bawled like a baby through the whole musical. Liz on the other hand knew it word by word . I felt really touched during for good because I was out with a friend who was helping me out.  Before For Good started I whispered to Liz "This song is dedicated to you." She smiled in return . I told her that she truly was amazing and I've never had a friend like her. She said that she wanted to be friends for life even after we go to NYC , I nodded in reply while a girl from behind told us to stay quite , so we laughed and redirected our attention to the musical or For Good specifically.
The musical was over . We planned to go to a restaurant which was right across the street .
I told Liz to go ahead because I wanted to buy her a friendship souvenir as to remember this day forever. I kept an eye on her to see that she crosses the road safely. She was crossing the road when a bus driving towards her caught my attentions. I shouted out to her but she didn't listen . I jumped and pushed her out of the way and then my vision went black. I heard some voices but soon they were gone too.

Hey guys! Hope you like it . Comments are greatly appreciated

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