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"Prejudice or discrimination against individuals with a dark skin tone, typically among people of the same ethnic or racial group"


Above, is the Google based definition of colorism.

Colorism is not something that should be taken lightly. It affects how others see themselves, and possibly others. And it can severely damage one's self esteem without them realizing.

Colorism can cause emotional, psychological, and physical trauma. They are not the only affects, but are the main ones.

Constantly hearing about your "flaws" from another's perspective can and will possibly cause you to embed in your mind/conscience that you aren't pretty, and or good enough because you are not a certain color and you do not meet the "beauty standards".

Colorism also affects how you see others. You may see someone with a darker skin tone than you, or anyone with a lighter tone, and automatically assume they aren't good, pretty, enough because they are darker. Or maybe that you and others with lighter skin are superior and they are inferior to you all.

After learning something, in most cases, it is hard to unlearn- especially if it is a bad habit which has left a negative effect on you, and possibly those around you.

It shouldn't be about being light or pretty enough in others eyes.

It should be about you being beautiful no matter what; because you are. Even if others can't see or believe it


Leave an encouraging comment that would help you, or others who have experienced colorism. Or just leave an up lifting comment.

If you happen to come across any spelling errors KINDLY point them out, this was typed fast.

~ Kennedy F.

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