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I don't know how I feel about you
My feelings keep going and coming like the waves of the sea
I keep on wishing my pain can be seen
I can't tell if it's love or like
I don't know which to follow my heart or my mind

I dream of you everyday
I think of you everyday
Why can't I just get you out of my head
It's impossible to do so
You've left a scar in my heart
I'm still wondering if it can ever heal
My heart cries for help everyday
My eyes have gotten tired of crying
They no longer produce tears cause I'm so dry and empty without you
I don't know who i am anymore
"WHAT HAVE YOU BECOME" my mind tells me everyday
"I CANT SEE" my eyes cry out
I believe it's because I'm still blinded by your love.

PAIN OF SADNESSWhere stories live. Discover now