Just a few more...

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-Whatever you do, don't think about all of the muggleborn first years wondering why so many of the ghosts are teenagers in modern day clothing and why so many people like to pet the air and they wonder if it's some kind of magic custom and not realizing that they're all petting thestrals

-Whenever Teddy spends time in muggle London random strangers will walk up to him and ask where he dyed his hair because, "It looks so authentic!" and he just smiles and says, "My mum" (And then you remember that his mom is dead and you start crying)

-Does anyone ever think that the reason that Remus and Tonks made Harry the godfather of Teddy was because they knew that that wouldn't survive the war, or highly doubted it, (especially Remus) but they always had faith in Harry. They knew that if anyone could understand his pain, Harry would (in the event that they died). Because...sometimes I do...

-(I did not make this one so don't get angry at me) I've got a joke: what walks on 8 legs until it's one year old, 4 legs until it's twenty years old, and then 2 for the remainder of it's life? 

-(I did not make this one so don't get angry at me) I've got a joke: what walks on 8 legs until it's one year old, 4 legs until it's twenty years old, and then 2 for the remainder of it's life? 

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-Imagine McGonagall giving Hagrid a second chance after the war. Imagine his eyes welling up with tears when he gets to exchange his umbrella for a wand. Imagine him sitting eagerly among a class of scared first years. And he gets a letter from an owl. And Harry takes him shopping for school in Diagon Alley, to return the favor.

-What the books would be named from Fred and George's perspective: (1) The Year We Won The House Cup (2) The Year We Almost Lost Our Sister (3) The Year We Passed On James' Legacy (4) The Year We Knew He Was Back (5) The Year We Became Legends (6) The Year We Brought Light To The Darkness (7) The Year "We" became "I"

-Dear Molly, 

Watching over Fred like you have been Harry all these years.

Love, Lily

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