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How can something as simple as an alarm clock going off be the most annoying sound in the world? Mika's eyes remains closed as she looks for her phone on her nightstand and lazily hits the snooze button, knowing five minutes won't make much of a difference, if any. After the second time, she forces herself to get out bed, knowing she can't be late to school.

Why actually go to school when the team could've stayed at SWAG? Well, since they've all pretty much mastered their powers, there's really no point in attending SWAG; plus lets be honest, they need a break from the extreme consistency of their superhero lives and just live like normal teenagers even, if it is for a moment. When Danger Force brought it up to Ray, he surprisingly agreed, no hesitation. It's been a year since they transferred to normal high school. It's not completely hell, but its not every teens dream either.

Mika looks in the mirror satisfied with her appearance. Okay, book bag, keys, water bottle; I think I have everything. I check the time as I'm finna walk out my room. "Mika, cmon on!" Oh wait, I almost forgot Bose's jacket. "One sec!" I grab the jacket that was folded over my chair and start to head downstairs before my brother blows a gasket. I stare at the soft jacket in my hands. Huh...I never really noticed how big Bose's jacket is. It actually fits him quite well, unlike me. His jacket must've looked huge on me last night. Great now my curiosity is peaking; I should've looked in the mirror. I shake my head and laugh, walking down the stairs to my brother. I dash to the fridge and grab my strawberries. We make sure we lock up and walk to school together.


"Why do you even want to leave this early for school? It's a 10 minute walk from our house. Not to mention, I could just teleport us there." Miles states glancing at his sister. "Miles we're seventeen with superpowers; not everything in our lives has to be action filled. Sometimes a slow burn can bring the best joy." Miles stares at his sister with a smirk on his face and continues walking but doesn't say a word. I know what my brother is thinking; it's hard not to with him looking at me like that. I just shrug it off and put my earbuds in listening to music.

We ended up arriving to school an hour early.

As we walk through the school doors me and my brother go our separate ways: he goes to find some breakfast while I head to my locker on the third floor. The layout of our school never really made sense to me. Freshman classes, electives, the library, the cafeteria, and the gym are all on the first floor. Second floor has the honors hall, sophomore and junior classes, while the third floor has senior classes, tutoring hall, and a rec room for juniors and seniors. Talk about lucky, but from what I've heard, theres not much in there. It's basically just used as a hangout spot. After five minutes, I make it to my locker and grabbed everything I needed for my first three classes. I still got time to kill, so I think I'll head to the library until its get closer to the start first period.

Mika opens the library doors and instantly shudders at the sudden chill. "Why do they always have the air on this early in the morning?" She finds a random seat in the study, near the back of the room. Pulling her snack out of her backpack, she eats while finding something to read on her phone. It seem to be pretty quiet, after all, it is the library; it's even extra quiet as there are still thirty minutes left before students start piling in. Even still, that didn't stop her from not hearing the doors creak open and someone walking up to her.

Bose leaned in from behind and whispered in her ear. "I knew I'd find you here." What the- I jumped, turning around realizing it was just this guy. "Jeez Bose what the hell!" I scream, glaring at him. God, he scared the crap out of me. I was so distracted I didn't even notice his presence behind me. "Well good morning to you too." He chuckles drinking some of his coffee. He sat down next to me sitting an extra coffee in front of me. "Is this your idea of an apology?!" Bose glanced at his best friend. "You know you enjoyed it." "Oh yea I totally love having heart attacks from fear," Mika says while rolling her eyes. "See told ya. So technically you should be thanking me." I smile sweetly then smack him over the head. "Ow!" "Deal with it honey." He rubs his head laughing. I shake my head and continue reading while taking a sip of coffee.

Interested, Bose rest his chin on my shoulder looking at my phone. "Whatcha doing?" He asks me. He's so close I can feel his breath on my neck. "Reading on kindle." I feel him smile. Dang it, he already knows what I'm reading. "Oh you reading the book I sent you. I bet you can't put it down." Bose tends to send me books he finds on kindle if he thinks that may be interesting to me or it's something he ended up loving. Not all his recommendations are good though. In fact, he sends joke recommendations every once in a while, just to annoy me, but this one is actually really good. "Whatever it's not the best one out there." I totally just lied it's amazing! It gives me all the feels!!! If I wasn't at school right now I'd probably explode from excitement! "Okay, if you say so." He says while grabbing one of my strawberries.

"Seriously?!" He knows I hate sharing my strawberries; they're my favorite. "What? If you really want it you can have the rest." He smirks holding out the bitten strawberry. Okay eww! I look at my favorite snack with disgust. "Yea, I think I'll pass." He looks at me and sighs. "Okay suit yourself." He shrugs his shoulders and finishes it. "So honestly, how is the book so far?" I lock my phone turning to discussing our opinions on the book, where I was, the characters I loved and hated most, etc. It wasn't too long after until the first bell rang, indicating we have ten minutes until first period. Bose and I grab our stuff and leave the library walking together to our first class.


**Hey guys! I hope you all enjoyed the new chapter. The feedback and love I've been getting for this book is so incredible thank you guys so much! Well until next time!!
Stay cool everyone! <3

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