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Just like that he left me completely frozen in the janitors closet trying to process the hell just happened. Why did he go as far as he did, what's his deal? Why was he so close? But why is there this voice in the back of my head saying it wanted him to stay? Did I kinda like his teasing? What the hell Mika?! Why would you want that to continue?! I-I gotta be hungry or delusional or both...Yea both. I quickly gained some of my composure and exited the janitors closet with my face still burning. I most definitely need to cool down.

Lunch is well...interesting. Everything is pretty normal, my brother is complaining about sporks, and how they have ruined our society and Chapa is threatening to shock him to death if he doesn't shut up about sporks. Instead of trying to hold Chapa back from frying him not to mention exposing herself, I end up laughing at them arguing. It's kinda cute when these two argue; I can't explain it, maybe they just complement each other really well. Besides we all know Chapa has a soft spot for Miles; she's not gonna hurt him too bad at least. I glance over to my right as his silence is making me uneasy.

I find him sitting on phone his reading a book but with no lunch infront of him. Is he seriously not going to eat? I get the food can be terrible at times but there is a snack machine in here. I poke his arm he glances at me and smiles then returns to his book. "Are you not hungry? Why aren't you eating, is something wrong?"

His concentration between him and his phone is finally broken. He stares straight into my eyes with a piercing gaze filled with desires and determination like he's willing to end the world to get what he wants right now. I feel I just teleported right back into the closet with him. "There's really only one thing that that I'm yearn for at the moment..." Oh god please don't say... "Getting to the climax of this book! Who knew romance novels have such an enthralling plot. I honestly can't put it down."

I can't take anymore of this today. Murder has never been so tempting. Miles and Chapa look at him weirdly. Wow we don't see that as much as we used to at least not directed at Bose. Chapa chuckles saying, "Nerd." Unfazed Bose follows with a smirk. "Cause I read books?" Chapa looks over at my brother and Miles says, "More like cause you used the word enthralling." Okay they have been either spending an unusual amount of time together or they can read each other's mind. Bose rolls eyes. "Whatever."

Chapa and Miles continue their own conversation while Bose scoots closer towards me and grabs half of my sandwich off my tray and takes a huge bite. I glare at him and smack his shoulder hard. He knows how I feel about that plus a little extra force for earlier. He jumped from the pain and looks at me. "Ow! You wanted me to eat didn't you?"

His smile showed he knew it more than about the food. I rolled my eyes with much attitude as possible it definitely had me a little annoyed but one thing was for sure: the annoyance was extremely little and my mind was still running rampant wanting something similar to happen one more time. What the actual hell?! I think I'm losing my mind! "I could've just got you snacks you know." He shakes his head. "Why would I want snacks when your stuff is just so much better." He won't win at making me anymore flustered. "Just shut up and eat." He winks at me after saying, "As you wish bugaboo." He then continues eating. Jeez he must really like roast beef sandwiches. It honestly wasn't the best I ever had considering it is a school lunch. I glare at him again. "No no sir."

We're still side but he turns his head to meet my eyes and starts to move slightly closer - "Awe. You don't prefer bugaboo. How about princess-" and closer "or queen-" until I his breath on my face "whatever you want I'll do it." He seriously tried that again; I thought it was a fluke but his eyes look the same as they did back then. I can even hear him say in the back of my head 'I find it so cute to watch you act this way...' Seriously what's going on with him today? Why he so intrigued with me?

I shake it off and roll my eyes playfully. "Whatever makes you eat faster." I rest my elbow on the table and push about today's past events in the back of mind and tell myself 'It was nothing.' while Bose chuckles at my reaction then continues eating.


"Alright everyone, remember your essay covering the 1960s pyramids of power vs the modern society social class system is due after we return to class Monday. Pace yourself and also take these four days to relax." The bell rings indicating to students and faculty that their long awaited extended weekend is here. "Have a nice weekend everyone." Students grab their things and rush out the room giving a quick farewell to their teacher as if it was the beginning of summer break.

As soon as the bell rings, I pack my bag and start to head to my locker but briefly stopping before I walk out of class. I turn around and give a wholesome smile,  grabbing my teachers attention. "Have a nice weekend Ms. Davis." She returns the smile. "You too dear, be safe."

During the journey to my locker I feel my phone buzz and see its my brother.

Brotherr🥰: Hey sis Chapa and I have a project due Monday for Sociology and we gotta today if we wanna finish before Monday😓 I gonna go to Chapa's after school...u gonna be okay Miks🥺??

I giggle after reading the text; everyone knows Miles can be alil protective of me it's just his nature as a brother.

Sis💞✨: Of course I will I'm not 5 Miles😂 I should be worrying about u I'm the oldest😏😝but seriously go work on your project. I'll be sure to text mom and tell her you'll be out late😊

Brotherr🥰: By 8 minutes🙄😌but thanks sis your the best!!

Sis💞✨: I know💁🏽‍♀️😋

Well I guess I have the house to myself. I text mom to let her know what's going on and continue heading to my locker.

Okay lets see... I need my two of my textbooks and my school tablet. A pair of blue Air Force 1's are within my field of vision, more specifically behind my locker door. Speaking of lockers, I wish we had the longer often referred as 'tv lockers' or just have wider short lockers; there's barely any room in here. Okay back to business, I already have my bag, and I suppose I could take my blue earphones. Alright thats everything.

I slide my earphones around my neck and close my locker door, finding him standing looking at me with his back against some other lockers as if he was waiting for me. "Hey." I smirk at him not surprised in the slightest. I hope he knew I could see his feet. "Hey yourself." I say while crossing my arms.

I guess he wasn't expecting that reaction. He honestly thought he caught me surprise? C'mon Bose I'm not that blind. "You do know I could see your shoes the entire time right?" He tries to play it off by acting like he was just messing with me. "Pfff of course I did. I-I was just trying to see if you would catch on." Yea that made no sense honey. Good try though. "Uhuh."

I shake my head and begin my walk home while Bose catches up to me. "Hey you mind if we hang out at your place? I need your help with our math assignment and English." He moves his long hair out of his face as his indirect way of saying 'I'm so screwed without you.' I roll my eyes playfully and shake my head again.

This boy.. I sigh and give him my answer. "C'mon." "Awesome, thanks Mika." He takes my bag and puts it on his shoulder. I smile and just continue on the path home walking side by side with my best friend. I guess I didn't need my headphones after all.


**Hey guys! I hope you all enjoyed the new chapter. The last two chapters have been pretty interesting lol. Thank you for all the love and support you guys are the best! Well until next time!!
Stay cool everyone! <3

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