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     Oh jeez it's only fourth period...you know you would think that study hall would be an elective instead of a requirement. Why are students forced to take it and more importantly, whose bright idea was it to ban cellphone usage in here?! Like seriously, stuck in here for two hours, with nothing to do but homework, which happens to already be done. Oh boy...

      I take a look around the room to see what everyone else is doing: mostly everyone is talking but some are doing work, others sleeping, and there's even this one guy trying to balance a pen on his nose...alright then. I look behind me and glance at Bose whose drawing in his notebook. Believe or not, his drawing skills are amazing; he had us all at lost for words when we caught him drawing back during one of Ray's "lectures" when we were at S.W.A.G, not his finest moment no. Thinking back to the memory, I tapped lightly on Bose's desk unaware I had a giant smile plastered on my face.

      "Hey whatcha up to?" He looks up at me and grins while glancing down turning  his notebook to face me. " I was just messing around trying to kill time. It's not really all that good." His smile fades in the process as he tries to convince me that its not worth my time, and to not to look at it, while scratching the back of his head. I can't believe it; its such a gorgeous and detailed drawing of Mount Swellview. "What are you talking about Bose this is amazing! There's so much detail it almost looks like the real thing! You drew all of that this period?"

      He nods his head and looks down. "Yea but its not even close to being done plus its just a sketch so its not the clea-"It is true that he would know that his work was sloppy or lacking certain aspects but to the untrained eye his drawing was amazing. I was for certain that anyone with art experience could tell that Bose was talented and that it was something he was passionate about.

I cut him off by resting my hand on top of his and give him a soft reassuring look. "Bose you shouldn't look down on yourself. There are so many, including me, that would do anything to be as talented as you are. It's an amazing drawing that seems to have a story behind it and even shows a bit of who you are. Trust me when I say its amazing and one of the best I've seen, honestly." He returns a soft smile that says only two words: thank you.

      It hurt me seeing that he lacked confidence when it came to his art skills; his behavior was the complete opposite of his confident,flirty,sometimes adorably oblivious personality. But it's also kinda nice to see some sort of vulnerability every once in a while. It's a great reminder that even though he can move objects with mind he still in fact just a teenager: full of doubts and insecurity trying to find the right path for himself. I know superpowers aren't just something someone can just glance over but we tend to end up just shrugging it off not just D.F and Ray but everyone in Swellview.

     It was times like this that made me even more connected to him...Then that's when things go south. He begins to smirk. "Well if your willing to do anything for my skill..." "Why do you always have to ruin our moments?" I say rolling my eyes playfully. " Oh we were having a moment?" His smirk just keeps getting bigger. I wish I could wipe it clean off his face, specifically with my scream. "Shut up." Shaking my head I roll my eyes playfully and turn back around. I took a deep breath to calm myself down as run my hand through my dark brown hair that passes my shoulders a little bit in length.

    "C'mon princess were we?" He pokes me from behind trying to bother me for his amusement.  Why do I even...oh forget it I can't even think straight right now. He keeps poking me as I try to hide my laughter, more importantly the burning hot sensation coming from my cheeks.


      I walk out of class as fast as I possibly can after hearing the bell ring indicating it's time for lunch. My mind wasn't at all focused on the food my stomach needed. I only had one objective: get as far away from him as possible before I turn into complete tomato paste. Kinda disgusting when you think about it. Ughh why am I so affected by this? His teasing is a typical thing I'm used to by now or thought I was. We've been friends for almost four years now. So why what's going on? I keep my current speed on route to the cafeteria thinking I put a great enough distance between me and him.

      Then it all happened in the blink of an eye. I was grabbed by my jacket and pulled into a dark room, what I presumed to be a janitor's closet. Nope nope I'm out! I try to make my escape but, if anything, I just worsened my situation. I was pinned against the wall, arms on both sides, preventing me escaping. Dammit he has me exactly where he wants me. I hear him whisper. "Are you trying to avoid me princess?" Given the circumstances that definitely sent a chill down my spine. To his benefit, the light switch was right next to his hand, but let's be honest: he planned on continuing whether it was dark or not. But in this moment right now, he seemed to prefer the lights off.

      Even in this dark room I could clearly see his brown eyes that were staring me down with an extreme intensity. If it wasn't for the bag slightly hanging on my shoulder, I would've dropped my books a long time ago. I can't even muster up the strength to speak right now; it feels like I'm physically incapable of doing so. At this moment, my best friend had me completely and utterly paralyzed.

      "You not gonna leave me hanging, are you Mika?" He says with a soft and sweet voice but with a devilish look on his face. I don't know how it's possible but his stare intensified. Somehow I managed to move my lips making words flow out. "I-I d-don't know wha-what y-your t-ta-talking a-about." That didn't mean I wasn't stuttering though; I was lucky enough I was able to speak. "Oh, I think you do...Why else would you run outta class like that?" It's almost like instinct that my body tried to back away to give some sort of space between us even though we both knew it was impossible.

      "T-th-the new...sp-spaghetti t-tacos!! Had t-to get there f-fi-first you know." Spaghetti tacos? Seriously that's the best I could come up with?! Bose chuckles, sounding some what evil in a way, immediately seeing through my so called lie.

      "You know..." He smirks letting one his arms fall closing the little distance that was left between us, moving his lips as close to my ear as possible, barely brushing against it but somehow maintained enough distance to still look me in the eyes. If it were possible, he seemed to be oozing confidence or pure cockiness, knowing damn well I was too stunned to make an escape now.

He paused making sure I was paying attention to what he was finna say. "Your such a terrible liar Mika...Either way I find it so cute to watch you act this way..." His eyes focused to the area around my ear and tucked a piece of my hair behind my it, refocusing his thoughts on our conversation, or more so his monologue. "I guess you could say I didn't get enough of this last period...especially not since you refused to look me in the eyes with cute little blush of yours. Well, I think it's about time we get to lunch."

      He slowly backed away, fixing my bag so it's actually on my shoulder and picking up his backpack, that was laying on the floor, tossing it over his shoulder. He opened the exposing light to the room making his smirk as clear as day. "Your looking a bit hot, like you could use a bit of water."


**Hey guys! I hope you all enjoyed the new chapter. Sorry for the unexpected break! I've been busy with finishing school and finals so bear with me lol. Thank you for all the love and support you guys are the best! Well until next time!!
Stay cool everyone! <3

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