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        "Oh come on Mika you seriously cant be mad at me." Miles storms after his sister trying to get her to understand. "..." Mika just continues to walk through the Man's Nest frustrated with her twin brother. I'm so sick and tired of this. Why does everyone keep saying that?! I'm the only person who knows how I really feel and I have no feelings whatsoever for him. He's just a good friend...my best friend.

        Miles tries to stop his sister by teleporting in front of her; after all they did have a training session to get back to. Mika's eyes start to glow grey from pure rage. "LEAVE ME ALONE!" She continues to walk over to the door, after she practically sent her brother flying with her superpower, and walked straight out of the Man's Nest. "Ughhh that one had an extra kick today." I should've known that I couldn't stop her, but needs to know how she feels...she has to...

       Miles lays on the floor, in pain, for a bit before slowly getting up. Ughh I don't think I'll ever get used to her doing that. He walks back to the training area and instantly hears "Where's Mika?" You rarely hear a room go completely silent around this group of superheroes... "I'll see you guys later..." he runs out the training room, knowing immediately where his best friend ran off too. But before he's a good distance away from the room, Bose hears Ray say "Okay kids, you can head on home for today."

It's always so beautiful at this time. I guess it's a little cliche of me to be staring at the sunset but it's the perfect way to calm myself down... plus I'm not ready to go home just yet. I can feel a presence behind me but I'm not scared; I know exactly who it is.

          "You know it's not cool for you to walk out of training it only gives Ray a reason to make Schowz to pull some weird experimental prank on you." Bose says while sitting down next to Mika. She giggles slightly, "Of course it doesn't bother you." "Why should it?" She clutches her hands, staring intensely at the view of their city. "Doesn't it feels like they're trying to force something that isn't there, something that isn't what we want?"

Bose notices her clutched hands so he gently puts his hand over hers and stares at the sunset. "Everyone has their own opinions. When they believe in something so strongly it can make them seem annoying or like a complete lunatic." "You don't say." Mika says sarcastically making Bose chuckle. "I know it may seem like they only want to tease you, but they genuinely care about your happiness, otherwise they wouldn't have said it to begin with."

Mika turns to face him. "You really believe that?" Bose give her a look. " Mika this is Danger Force we're talking about." She giggles knowing the answer to her question. "You have your wise moments O'Brian. But they're only moments." she said with a smirk. He smirked back. "Was that supposed to be an insult?" She chuckles and shakes her head "Leave the comebacks to me honey." He roll his eyes playfully and turns his head away from her. "Last time I cheer you up." They both chuckle and stare back at the sunset enjoying the view his hand still touching hers.

         Mika and I just sat in a comfortable silence for a bit until the sun went down. It wasn't because we were mad at each other or didn't have anything to talk about; just sitting on top of Mount Swellview with her, looking over our city was just peaceful. Not much noise up here either. All of a sudden she saw a shooting star fly across Swellview; the way her face lit up, she was so ecstatic that we ended up stargazing, finding constellations, and even making our own for a few hours. It was getting a bit late and I could tell Mika was a little cold, so I gave her my jacket and told her I'd walk her home. So here we are walking side by side in her neighborhood,just a few houses away from her house.

        "You know you didn't have to walk me home." Mika takes a quick glance around then faces Bose again. "I am Shoutout after all. I can pretty much handle anyone." He stands in front of Mika with that famous smirk on his face. "Oh, you think you can handle me princess?" She crosses her arms and rolls her eyes playfully. "Do you have to be like that?" "Be like what?" She shakes her head and starts back walking.

        "Aw cmon Mika you know like my teasing." Ughhh I can feel him smirk, even though he's a little ways behind me. I can feel my cheeks starting to heat up. He's so embarrassing! I just shake my head and start walking a little faster. I almost to my driveway when I hear his footsteps run towards me. He gently touches my arm and turns me around.

        "Your not embarrassed are you princess?" He said with that stupid smirk on his face. Ughhh, why won't he stop doing that?! I look at the ground without saying a word but I can't muster the strength to try to hide the slight smile on my face. He tucks my hair behind my ear and chuckles. "Okay I'll stop. Now that your home safely I'm gonna head on okay?"

        It was so sweet him to walk me home, not because it's dangerous, this is swellview after all, nothing is ever too dangerous here. But, he knows that I like the company when I walk. He knows everything about me and he learned it in less than a year after we met. He's the closest friend I've ever had. The thought of that makes me smile while into his eyes and I nod."Goodnight Mika." "Goodnight Bose."

        Bose backs away and starts to walk home with a smile on his face while Mika walks through her front door. "I'm home!" Mika's mom greets her daughter with a smile, momentarily pausing her show, giving her daughter her undivided attention. "Hey sweetheart. How was your day?" she asked. "Fine." Her mother smiles once more before unpausing the Tv, refocusing on her show just as her son comes down the stairs into the living room. "Mika, about earlier, I just wanted to say I'm sorry I-" "Its fine Miles, don't worry about it." Mika puts her hand on her brother's shoulder giving a soft smile.
Miles smiles back at his sister but then notices what she has on. "Um sis, what's that?"

        It then dawned on Mika: she forgot to give Bose his jacket back. "Oh someone lent it to me." She then yawned not to get out the situation she was genuinely tired. "Oh okay well go hit the sack you look exhausted." "KayKay 'night bro." She waved lazily while walking up the stairs. Mika walked in her room and just finished getting ready for bed when she hears her phone buzz. She sits on her bed and reads the expected message. Oh boy.

Bose:p : So my hoodie?😏

Honey: You literally saw me walk in my house with it! Why didn't you say anything?😫

Bose:p : I wanted to see if you forgot😏😂it's cool I have a bunch so no rush lol

Honey: I'll give it back tomorrow😌

Bose:p : Or you could keep it😏

Honey: Yeaaa you'll get it back tomorrow🙄😌goodnight😴😊

Bose:p :😌night honey

      I can't believe I forgot. Oh well it's no big deal now. I put my phone on charger turn out my lights and slowly drift to sleep.


**Hey guys! I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter. Let me know what you all think I'm curious to see what you guys think may happen next.
Stay cool everyone! <3

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