The Morning After

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"Aryll!" a deep voice boomed from the first floor of the cottage. "Aryll, it's already morning! Breakfast is ready!"

The young girl groaned as she turned over in her bed. She winced and cracked her eyes open, only to be blinded by the morning sunlight shining through the window. With a second groan, she threw the sheets over her face and turned back over.

"Aryll! Come on, now!" the deep voice boomed again. "Your breakfast is going to get cold! If your brother were here, your plate would already be gone, you know!"

"But, Papa," the girl named Aryll called from under the sheets. "Big Brother isn't here to steal my food! Five more minutes, please?"

"Fine, but if you oversleep then I'm eating the plate myself!" her father called back. "I can't let a perfectly warm meal go to waste."

She could hear him chuckling to himself. She knew full well that her father would never actually eat her food. Her brother's appetite had been passed down to him from their mother, not their father. Regardless, she knew that with all the sunlight beaming down upon her, she wasn't going to fall back asleep. With a final groan, Aryll pushed herself up, allowing the sheets to fall from the top of her messy blonde hair and down to her waist. She yawned before swinging her legs off the side of the bed to stand. Adjusting her white dress, she groggily began walking towards the wooden staircase and down to the first floor.

"Ah, so I assume that you only needed two minutes of extra rest, then?" her father chuckled as he watched his daughter step off the staircase. He was a burly man, short in the legs, yet broad in the shoulders. He wore a bandanna thatshadowed his eyes, and a thick beard that covered the rest of his face, with the exception of his rather large nose.

"I could use another full night of sleep," Aryll said through another yawn as she stepped towards the dining table. "That storm kept waking me up."

"You as well?" her father asked, raising an eyebrow. "I'm surprised. Usually, you can sleep through anything, just like your brother. But, I do understand. That was one strange storm last night."

"Do you think Big Brother is okay?" she asked, taking a seat at one of the chairs with a plate of food at the ready for her.

"I'm sure he's fine," he answered. "You know Link. He's special, that boy. No storm is going to do him harm. Now eat up, you've got a chicken to feed and I've got smithing orders to finish for the day."

The two began to eat, with the father humming quietly while Aryll continued nodding off, fighting to ensure her fork made it into her mouth. With each bite, she could feel her energy returning to her. It was as normal a morning as ever, listening to the trees and the morning birds as they ate. Before the two could finish their dishes, however, their peaceful ambiance was disturbed by a couple of voices that could be heard outside. The voices grew louder as the seconds passed before words were able to be made out.

"-I'm telling you that it'll be fine, Link!"

"No, you don't understand. My father isn't like everyone else in the village-"

"It doesn't matter! I need to apologize to him and ask for his blessing!"

"I get that, but it can wait-"

"No, it can't! I'm sorry, but I need to do this!"

Aryll and her father looked at each other before hearing a knock at the door. Confused, the father stood up and walked towards the door, opening it to reveal a dirty-clothed, golden-haired girl. With a bright smile, she waved.

"Hello there!" she said with a cheerful smile. "My name's-"

Before she could finish, the father was already on a knee with a hand on his heart.

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