⚡️ Chapter 30 ⚡️

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It was very difficult for Vega to fall asleep that night. For a long while, she just laid in her bed, staring at the dark ceiling of her dormitory, watching the faint light of the moon streaming in through the windows. Hermione seemed to have fallen in asleep after a while and silence descended in the dormitory – that is until the party downstairs ended and Lavender, Parvati and Fay returned.

Fay seemed to fall asleep immediately but Lavender and Parvati sat on their beds and made a lot of noise chatting about what had gone on downstairs, giggling and just being loud. Vega didn't care much for it as she had long gotten used to their voices – it was her fourth year with them, after all.

But when the two of them went to bed and the silence returned into the room, Vega was left alone with her thoughts, even if she felt the weight of Crookshanks curled up next to her on the bed.

These thoughts were all about one person, and also the last person Vega wanted to think about.


It was true that someone wanted both her and Harry dead – Voldemort. But how could Voldemort have ensured that their names got into the Goblet of Fire in the first place? Voldemort was supposed to be far away, in some distant country, in hiding, all alone, feeble and powerless...

But Vega was well aware that it wasn't like that. Voldemort was in Albania. It was where Wormtail had scurried off to, it was where Bertha Jorkins disappeared, it was where her dream had been.

Vega wished that there was someone that she could talk to about this issue. But she couldn't think of anyone – aside from Andromeda. She would definitely advise Vega in a sensible manner for sure.

I'll definitely write a letter home in the morning.

And morning came around a bit too quickly. Vega wasn't even sure if she had even slept but when her eyes opened again, the dormitory was filled with sunlight and there was no sound of breathing.

It was clear that Hermione, Fay, Parvati and Lavender had already left the dormitory. But Crookshanks was still curled up next to Vega's leg, watching her keenly with his great yellow eyes.

If Vega had been miserable last night, she was positively melancholic in the morning. And for a moment, she was confused as to why she was feeling so despondent and she let out a groan of frustration when the events of the previous night came rushing back into her head in a flash.

You're a Triwizard Champion.

On the mention of this, Vega suddenly wished that she hadn't remembered why she was feeling so horrible and she wished that she could sleep a little bit longer. But no sleep endowed itself on her.

"I don't want to go downstairs, Crookshanks," Vega whispered, cringing at how dry her voice had become. "Ah... all this thinking makes me quite hungry, though..."

Crookshanks just meowed back at her and Vega felt like he was telling her to get her mopey-ness out of the bed. She gave him a look but pulled aside the covers, reaching over to peek through her bed's curtains to make sure that there was no one around before slipping out of the bed.

There was a jug of water on her nightstand and Vega graciously poured herself a glass of water, walking over to the windows to look outside at the grounds, which were quite empty right now.

Of course, everyone must've woke up late for breakfast.

Noticing something reflecting the light on her left, Vega looked over and saw that it was Lavender's mirror handheld mirror on the side-table. She curiously peered closer at it, and she noticed that she was looking rather strange. Or well, her eyes were looking strange – they had turned quite white.

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