⚡️ Chapter 47 ⚡️

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The dinner was wonderful – Vega didn't know about others but she was having a wonderful time with Fred. It was hard to keep her laughter down, especially since Percy was sending them looks of disapproval whenever the conversation became a bit too exhilarating for someone like him to hear.

Around the Great Hall, others were much less uptight at the other tables. Vega saw Hagrid sitting at one of the other staff tables. He was back in his hairy brown suit and gazing up at the top table.

All of a sudden, Hagrid gave a small wave and when Vega looked around, she saw that it was Madame Maxime who returned it – her opals were glittering in the beautifully dim candlelight.

Hermione was now teaching Viktor to say her name properly; he kept calling her 'Hermy-own'.

"Her – my – oh – nee," Hermione told him, slowly and clearly.

"Herm – own – ninny," Viktor enunciated in response.

"Close enough," Hermione replied said, catching Vega's eye across from the two and grinning, which the black-haired girl replied with a small smile.

When all the food had been consumed, Dumbledore stood up and asked the students to do the same. Then, with a wave of his wand, all the tables zoomed back along the walls leaving the floor clear, and then he conjured a raised platform into existence along the right wall.

A set of drums, several guitars, a lute, a cello, and some bagpipes were set upon it.

The Weird Sisters now trooped up onto the stage to wildly enthusiastic applause; they were all extremely hairy and dressed in black robes that had been artfully ripped and torn.

By that time, Vega had been having such a nice time that she had forgotten all about the first dance. She turned to look up at Fred as the lanterns on all the other tables went out to set the stage up.

But Fred didn't seem to be shy or embarrassed and held his hand out to Vega, who blushed and took it, allowing him to lead her behind the other champions as they reached the brightly lit dance floor.

Once the champions were in their place, the Weird Sisters struck up a slow, almost mournful tune.

Vega simultaneously blushed and smiled as Fred set a hand on her dainty waist and kept holding onto her hand. She took a breath and reached to place her hand onto his arm – and as the song began, the two of them joined the other four couples in waltzing around the dance floor.

Throughout the song, Vega was so fixated on Fred that she didn't realise when the first dance was over and the rest of the school was started to move onto the dance floor for their turns as well.

"What are you thinking, Fred?" Vega asked quietly, who wanted to fill the thick air between her and Fred with something, lest her entire hair lit up red with embarrassment.

"I thought you couldn't be more beautiful than you were earlier," Fred replied, chuckling as Vega blushed deeply. "You look really, really good in red,"

"Are you trying to embarrass me?" Vega said, fixing her eyes up at his brightly brown eyes that she really liked. "You always try to make me shy with those sorts of things,"

"I'm sorry but I think I will continue to do it, love," Fred answered as he guided her around the dance floor. "Not only is it fun to see you all shy but you look very sweet when you blush,"

"You're such a tease, Fred," Vega replied, biting the inside of her cheek and blinked when he easily spun her around. "Where did you learn all this? You didn't strike me as a ballroom dancer sort,"

"That is because I'm not," Fred admitted as he looked down at her grey eyes. "But I had to impress you, didn't I? And it's hard to impress you because you are so much better at everything,"

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