⚡️ Chapter 52 ⚡️

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In the end, Vega and Harry made a plan to go to the Prefects' bathroom on Thursday night, the day following. Vega had wanted to go on her own but Harry insisted that it would be difficult for her to carry both the Golden Eggs as well as the Invisibility Cloak and the Marauders' Map. She was a bit wary of them both going out together but decided that he made some sort of sense for once.

"I suppose we can do that," Vega said, rubbing her forehead thoughtfully. "But I have to say that it would be much more difficult for the two of us to hide in case we're noticed. And the last thing that I want is to be caught by either Filch or Snape while they're out prowling the halls as they usually do,"

"You should quickly make sure of the clues in the Golden Eggs," Harry told her. "I'll stand outside with the Invisibility Cloak and your favourite map. One of us has to keep an eye out, you know it,"

Vega and Harry hid under the Invisibility Cloak, and waited for the portrait hole to open. This time it was Ron who waited outside to give the Fat Lady the password, which was now Banana Fritters.

"Good luck," Ron muttered, climbing into the common room as Vega and Harry crept out past him.

It was awkward moving under the Cloak tonight – because Harry was holding onto two heavy Golden Eggs under his arms while Vega was holding up the Cloak and the Marauder's Map with her.

On the other hand, the moonlit corridors were empty and silent, which made it a bit easier on them. Vega only checked on the map at strategic intervals in order to not run into anyone that the two of them wanted to avoid. Not to mention, Harry was suspicious that she was looking at Fred's dot.

"He's sleeping, why would I look at his dot?" Vega hissed; a bit embarrassed. "Look, we're almost there – pass me the eggs and hold this map. I'll go inside and you should wait right outside,"

The two of them reached the statue of Boris the Bewildered, a lost-looking wizard with his gloves on the wrong hands, on the Fifth Floor. They located out the third door to the wizard's left and Vega whispered the password 'Pine Fresh' to be let into the room with the pair of Golden Eggs.

As expected, the door creaked open and Vega quickly slipped out of the Invisibility Cloak and into the room behind. She held onto the Golden Eggs tightly, closing the door with her foot gently.

"Okay," Vega breathed out in relief and set the eggs down to bolt the door behind her – she didn't want to be walked on while she was checking up on the clue. "I never knew..."

Finally, Vega got the chance to really take a look around the spacious and beautiful bathroom.

It was softly lit by a splendid candle-filled chandelier, and everything was made of white marble, including what looked like an empty, rectangular swimming pool sunk into the middle of the floor. About a hundred golden taps stood all around the pool's edges, each with a differently coloured jewel set into its handle.

There was also a diving board. Long white linen curtains hung at the windows; a large pile of fluffy white towels sat in a corner, and there was a single golden-framed painting on the wall.

It featured a blonde mermaid who was fast asleep on a rock, her long hair over her face, which fluttered every time she snored. Vega had never seen such a bathroom in Hogwarts before.

When she walked forward with the eggs, Vega could hear her footsteps echo off of the walls. She could see that she was on her own here, and if she hadn't had the eggs to deal with, she would've really enjoyed taking her time to explore the beautiful bathroom out. Her intrigue was off the roof.

There was a stack of fluffy towels sitting nearby, and Vega picked one of them up to set it down next to the edge of the pool-sized bath. She placed the Golden Eggs next to them and looked around.

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