We Are The Last

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3rd Person POV

It is over

We Lost...

The United States surrendered to the Axis powers and the Japanese and Germans are flooding the US mainland with their disgusting hands and feet. Those Krauts dropped the A bomb on Manhattan and Boston, hundreds of thousands are dead, and the US surrendered, and Truman ordered the armed forces to stand down and submit but to Chester W. Nimitz that's not happening in the South Pacific Ocean Nimitz commanded a fleet consisting of...

The last US aircraft carrier, USS Antietam, which sat in the middle of the entire fleet.

Two escort carriers, USS Puget Sound and USS Charger lagged behind the Antietam and sailed on the sides of the carrier.

Four destroyers, USS Frazier, USS Fletcher, USS Cummings, and USS Anthony covered the sides of the carriers.

A single submarine, USS Argonaut sailed underneath the fleet able to go any direction it wanted

Three cruisers, USS Dayton, USS Columbia, and USS St. Louis. They covered the outer ring of the fleet.

The two last battleships, USS Washington, and USS Montana a new monstrous battleship with four turrets instead of the usual three. It was lucky enough to sail out of its shipyard in San Francisco before the Japanese arrived and invaded the United States. The two battleships led the entire fleet.

These ships are the last of the United States navy still fighting while everyone else is sailing back to the United States coasts, if they were on the East most would probably be executed for not being the right race or if they were on the West they might be let go and live in the Japanese empire or be tortured and killed.

Nimitz's plan was suicidal but everyone in the fleet agreed to that they would sail together and find a Japanese fleet and fight them giving the Axis one last punch in the face by the dying Uncle Sam.

Aboard the USS Washington, a young sailor just 19 years old sat on his bunk staring at the floor while his hands were folded. His name was Bobby Smith from Reno, Nevada. He had short curly brunette hair, hazel green eyes, Caucasian skin, and a light scar on his right eyebrow from a bar fight years prior. His position aboard the ship was an anti-aircraft gunner, on the port side of the ship. His quadruple-mount 40mm Bofors gun was manned by two gunners one being him and another being his friend, Cleveland Woods, he was a tall brown man who had dark green eyes and bald head.

Bobby aimed the gun up and down and could shoot the gun while Cleveland turned the gun side to side, the two were usually accompanied by eight other sailors who loaded the guns. That was his job, and he knew that it would not be long before he had to use them.

Bobby's POV

Standing up from my bunk I walked to the ships mess hall to have a meal before the day was over, walking through the ship's tight hallways and high bulkhead doors I thought about home and my family but those were suddenly silenced when I stumbled and almost fell face first into the steel wall. "Are you okay sir?" A sailor asked me to pass by, I nodded, and he went along his way, I stood up and regained myself.

Walking through the mess hall doors I laid eyes on almost everyone waiting to get food, which was unusual since usually everyone comes in parts to have room instead the mess hall was jam packed. "Excuse me, what's going on?" I asked a sailor waiting in line, "This is our last meal, after this there's no food" the sailor said.

I was struck with awe, after this no more food. If that's the case, then we'll starve out at sea and must surrender, I would rather starve to death instead of surrender to the Japanese.

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