Mischief Managed

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Remus could feel his soul slowly leaving his body. He could feel himself going in deep slumber. Now he only wished Nymphadora would leave. Teddy needs her. At least one of them should stay alive. Oh Teddy! 'I'm so sorry' He thought. 'Please forgive me. Everything I did today was all for you.' A tear escaped from his eyes.

"Avada Kedavra" He heard Bellatrix's voice and then a thud and then a mad laughter which he was sure came from Bellatrix as well. He tilted his head a little to see Dora lying beside him. He wished he could get up now. Hold her. Even though he was going to be joining her soon he could feel his world fall apart. "Dora..." A faint whisper came from his voice.

'Teddy would be alone now.' He thought. A killing curse would have been better than bleeding out like this. At least he would have been dead by now. He wouldn't've had to see his wife, one of the last people he loved die.

And then the flashback started as tears welled up in his eyes...

"Isn't he beautiful, Remus?"

His wife placed their newborn son in his hand. He was so beautiful. He couldn't believe he was a part of making something so beautiful.

"He looks just like you." But he disagreed. His son looked so much like his mum. His hair even changed color to match hers and he let out a laugh. He haven't laughed like this in a long time.

'At least Teddy would be in good hands.' He had fate in Harry. They would win, he knew. 'At least I won't have to stay without Dora. I don't think I'd be able deal with lose anymore.'

"Ouch" And then a thud.

"Nymphadora! What did I say about falling?" He and Sirius exchanged looks.

"It's not my fault that there is an umbrella stand here." They heard a woman's voice retort. "And don't call me that." She muttered the last part.

As mad-eye and the woman called Nymphadora came into the room Sirius sprinted out of his chair and hugged the woman. "Nymphadora!"

"Don't call me that if you wanna live." She glared at Sirius which made him chuckle and throw his hands in the air.

"So what do you want me to call you... cousin? Or niece... I don't know what we are." Remus rolled his eyes. Sirius and his enthusiasm. Then again the man needed something to keep himself entertained.

"Tonks, just Tonks." The woman smiled.

"Well okay then Tonks, meet Remus!" They gave each other a smile.

He would see Sirius again. James and Lily... even Peter. He heard of his death. The Malfoys just left him to rot outside their mansion. Not even a proper burial. He wasn't useful to them anymore. Karma was bitch.

"Come on Moony!" A very enthusiastic James.

"Fine then! Keep being like that!" A very angry Peter.

"If you don't then I will." Sirius said before approaching Mary.

"How're your preparation for NEWTs are going Remus?" Asked Lily.

"Remus please! I am an old man and it gets lonely here. Stay with me." His dad pleaded for him to stay. He couldn't be a burden again. He was of age after all.

He held Harry as Sirius fell through the veil. He wished he could scream. His only remaining friend... But he has to stay strong. For harry... Just for a little bit.

"Remus we did it." A there where Sirius stood was a big black dog.

"We are not becoming Animagus just for you, you fuck turd." Sirius said but he knew better.

"LILY IS PREGNANT! " James shouted slamming the door on his way in excitement.

Lily placed Harry in his secure arm. He never thought he could love someone so much as the little boy stirred in his arm.

"Y-You still wanna be-"

"Of course we still wanna be your friends." Peter cut him off.

He felt joy and pride. So proud that Harry managed a Patronus. Granted not enough to keep all the dementors away but enough to buy time. Not many 3rd years manage that.

He looked at Hogwarts. He never thought he'd be here.

"Mum, I'm fine." Remus whined. But his mother ignored him and started tending his cuts.

"Stop pushing!" Said Sirius before pushing James and sitting on top of him. Both of them laughing to themselves.

"I brought food." Peter sing sang while entering the dorm with lots of food. James, Sirius and Remus jumped on him.

"Are you sure this will work moony?" Asked James.

"Of course I'm sure!" And then training his wand on the map he said "Look. Mischief managed."

"Mischief managed..." Remus whispered in a breath before going into deep slumber, never to wake again. Never to see the sun, his home, his school, Harry, his son and his dad again. Never to walk the earth again. Never to create havoc with his friends again. Never to go through the pain of transforming on full moons again.

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