It's just a nightmare

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"I'm going to get slapped," said Sirius  while tying his hair messily. 

"Are you sure?" asked James with a smirk.

"Sirius!" Remus looked at him amusedly.

"Don't do it," Peter shook his head. Horrified on Sirius' behalf. Because he himself was never going to be horrified... or embarrassed... even if what he was doing was about to be embarrassing.

Remus covered Peter's mouth with one hand and beamed at Sirius, "What are you waiting for than?" 

"Go ahead!" James pushed Sirius towards the girls. Sirius gave them all a glare.

"You can remove your hand now Remus," Peter said with an eye roll and pushed Remus' hand away making him and James chuckle.

Sirius turned back at them with a smirk. James scoffed, "cocky  bustard!"

"You have no right to talk," Remus said before lighting up his cigarette.

Suddenly everything was becoming blurry. The image of Sirius asking out a girl and the other marauders laughing at his failure was dissolving in the smoke coming from Remus' cigarette. Or was it something else? Certainly a cigarette can't produce this much smoke?

The image completely dissolved and he was standing the platform 9 and 3/4. There were still smoke everywhere. No not smoke... fog... everywhere.

"There you are!" James clapped hand on Remus' back. "Been looking for you everywhere."

"W-why is it so empty?" Remus looked around the platform. No one was there, not even the train. Just him, James and the pillars. "Why is no one here?"

"What do you mean no one?" Came Peter's voice from behind Remus. He turned around really fast.

"Y-you... you... when did you come here?"

Peter and James gave him a quizzical look.  

"I've always been here."

"Yeah, Remus," Came Sirius' voice. "All three of us has been here,"

"No you weren't! You weren't here a moment ago." James gave him a disapproving look. Slowly his thirteen year old face started ageing. He looked twenty one. 

"You alright Remus?" Remus looked around. He wasn't in the platform anymore. He was inside James' Godric's Hollow house. Sirius was drinking and dancing with Marlene. Dorcas and Peter was helping Lily put up the decoration. They were all wearing warm clothes. Remus himself had a drink in hand.

"James," Lily called, "can you get Harry? I think he's awake."

"I'm on it!" James started walking upstairs, to where Harry's nursery was. 

Everything around Remus felt abnormal, weird, too happy. He felt dizzy. What is happening to him? Why is he feeling sad? What is going on? And everything went dark. He saw James' face in the open casket.

"James?" He called out. Some people were lowering another casket in the ground, "Wait! Stop. Sirius! Peter!" He called out. But they weren't there. In fact he didn't know any of the people that were here. Where was he? "James! Wake up!" he knelt down, not bothering to hide his tears. 

"Harry!" He whispered to himself. "Sirius... Peter...." and then he heard a scream. 

Remus woke up. His body sweaty, his heart pounding, his voice hoarse. He was breathing heavily. He coughed and searched for water on his bedside table. There wasn't any, the jug was empty. He got out of bed. Closed the window and shut the curtains from where the sunlight was coming through. He went to the table and filled his glass. He finished it in one go and placed the glass on the table with a thud.

He returned back to his bed. His eyes emotionless. His body shaking. He heard a knock on his door. But he ignored it. He sat on the floor close to his bed and covered his head. He took deep breath. James was dead, Lily was dead, Peter was dead, Marlene was dead, Dorcas was dead, Alice and Frank has lost their minds, Harry was an orphan and Sirius... Sirius  betrayed them all and left Remus to suffer. 

He let out an ear piercing scream, tugging on his hair. It hurt his head, his throat. But he didn't care, he didn't care at all. He wanted to feel something. He didn't care what, just not the numbness. And as he screamed the numbness in his hurt went away and was replaced by a void, an emptiness. His voice gave away and he clutched his side with one and and the bedsheet with the other and sobbed till his tears dried out.  

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