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James was messing up his hair again, Sirius noticed. He was looking over somewhere. Sirius looked over and sure enough, Lily Evans was there, talking to her friends. She might've felt their eyes on her for her to look over and give a nasty glare before going back to her conversation. Sirius gave her a cheeky smile before nudging James with his leg.

"Earth to Prongsie!" James glared at him.

"I told you not to call me that,"

"And I told you not to call me Pads or Paddy or Siri but do you listen?"

"Fair point," James nodded before absentmindedly starting to mess up his hair again.

"Remus!" both James and Remus jumped up at the sudden loud noise while Peter only rolled his eyes. "James has that eye again,"

"What eye?" James asked.

"The droppy-lovey-yucky eye,"

"What the hell is that?"

"It's the eye you make when Lily is near," Remus supplied helpfully to which he got a glare in return from James.

"I don't make any eye when Evans is near! How can you make an eye?"

"Like this!" Sirius exclaimed before widening his eyes and pouting, his famous puppy dog eyes that almost never work.

"I don't do that," James looked horrified.

"No, you don't do that one," Peter said.

"Yeah, that one isn't the dazed look. That's Sirius' stupid look," Remus added.

"Hey!" Sirius objected, "that's not a stupid look,"

"Sure," Remus rolled his eyes before turning to James, "I don't think any of us can replicate the eye you make. It's like she's hypnotized you," Remus paused. " Wait... has she?"

"She definitely has!" Sirius sat up. "Maybe she used amortentia! The one we learned a few days ago. Maybe old Sluggy gave her some because 'Marvellous! I haven't seen such a talent in years,'" Sirius did a very bad impression of Slughorn which caught the attention of some of the Gryffindors lurking in the common room. Some girls giggled and whispered among each other. And some like Lily Evans glared at him.

"Can't we get a moment's peace, Black?"

"Of course, you can, darling Evans," Sirius smirked and looked at James, a look that terrified James. And then looked at Lily again "Evans, do you know how to hypnotize people or how to brew Amortenia?"

"What?" Lily asked flabbergasted.

"Because Jamie here can't stop looking at you or thinking about come to think of it," Sirius put a hand under his chin and on the table in front of him. "I'm quite sick of hearing about your shiny hair, to be honest,"

"Sirius!" James hissed, his whole face getting as red as Lily's hair. She didn't look any better. The others in the common room were either laughing openly or doing a very poor job at hiding their snickers like Remus, who was currently hiding his face with his hand and the table. Peter on the other hand was feeling embarrassed on both James and Lily's behalf as if they weren't already. Marlene Mckinnon, one of Lily's friends was glaring at Sirius but the smile in her eyes told that she found it just as funny.

"Tell you what, Potter," Lily spoke after a quiet minute, "Win the quidditch cup this year and I might consider going on a date," and she left, making everyone speechless but none more than James.


Hermione and Ginny were whispering among themselves, Sirius tried to ignore it at first but they were saying something about Harry, who was still fast asleep in his and Ron's room. Well, maybe he wasn't but Sirius couldn't tell because he hasn't come down yet and nor had Ron.

"What are you ladies whispering about?" God! Remus would hate him right now and most probably kill him in his sleep if he finds out. Both girls' faces became red but Ginny's more than Hermione's.

"N-nothing," the less flustered girl supplied. "Just stuff... about school," Sirius raised an eyebrow, "and boys," Hermione spit out making Ginny glare at her. A wide smile spread across Sirius' face that almost scared Ginny and Hermione. He took a seat opposite them and put his head on the back of his hand.

"Boys, I see," Sirius fondly smiled at them, "What about boys? Maybe I can give some helpful advice," Ginny gave him a sceptical look.

"You? Advice on boys?" Sirius' eyebrows rose again.

"Why? Do I not look like someone who has experience in that field,"

"No," Ginny answered honestly and Hermione looked scandalized.

"No, no, it's not that Sirius," Hermione hurried to explain. "It's just that," she paused searching for words.

"That I've been out of human contact for a long time," Sirius grimaced at the causality of his voice. "That doesn't mean I haven't dated anyone,"

"That doesn't?" Ginny asked and he had to laugh cause at that moment he was reminded strongly of Lily.

"Right, that does," he said, "I haven't really dated anyone. What? Why are you looking at me like that?" Sirius asked at the look on her face.

"Not even once? Before Azkaban? When you were our age?"

"Nah, I wasn't interested in dating. I did crush on a few people but that's about it,"

"So, how can you give us advice?" asked Ginny.

"Well, I'm a boy, aren't I?"

"A man," Ginny corrected, "and that doesn't mean you'll know everything about it,"

At that moment Remus and Nymphadora came into the kitchen yawning and joined them on the table. "Wass going on?" Remus asked sitting beside Sirius and smiling.

"Nothing. Long night?" Sirius asked both of them and got a nod in response from Remus and a wave of the hand from Tonks, who soon disappeared inside the kitchen where Molly was. Harry and Ron joined them in the kitchen soon and the group divided. Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny sat together, gossiping. Well, it was mostly Ron and Hermione bickering and Harry interjecting something to stop them while Ginny sat quietly, listening to them. Her eyes found Harry every so often and when they did they had some strange but very well-known emotion in them that Sirius couldn't remember where he's seen.

And then it hit him. And he felt a strange sense of deja-vu. He has seen this film before, a red-haired girl and a messy black-haired boy. One feeling too much and the other not knowing or acknowledging it at all. And to tell the truth, he didn't like the ending of the first film. Hopefully, this one won't have the same ending.

I wanted to write something like this for a long time. Let me know what you guys think. 


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