chapter 1

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As you walked to the plane door you turned to look at your parents. And you can see them with sad looks but still smiling but since you were at the back of the line you went to hug your parents and said your last goodbyes. As you got on the plane you looked out the window as you left. You closed to try and sleep on the trip. When you woke up you saw that you were only an hour away so you started to look for your paperwork because you hadn't finished it earlier. When the plane landed you got your stuff and got off of the plane and walked out when you got into the main building because you were supposed to meet someone to take you to U.A. As you were going down the escalator you were holding your suitcase and the rest of your things. As you looked up you saw 4 pro heroes that you have seen on t.v. You looked at the paper you were supposed to meet and they look like the pro heroes. As you got off of the escalator you walked toward them they did the same thing they walked toward you. And you all stop and meet with each other. You reach out your hand to shake them.

" Hello, I'm y/n It's nice to meet you."

Pro hero Aizawa came forward and said.

"Hello, a pleasure to meet you."

You raised your hand to shake it. Aizawa looked at your hand and lifted his hand to shake yours also. He turned to the other hero which is fat gum, sir night eye, and best jeanist. Aizawa told them about what you were doing. They both came forward to come and shake your hand and introduced themselves.

" I want some candy. I got jolly ranchers, crunch, gum, and some other things"

"What flavors do you have for jolly ranchers?"

"grape and green apple."

"Grape please."

Fat gum gives you candy. And when he gives you the candy and you thanked him.

"You have good manners. Said best jeanist."

"Thank you"

"I have a question."

"Sure what is it?"

"Why are you all together? Are you all on a mission?"

"Well we are actually on a patrol and I thought we could come over to get you a check around that airport. Do you want to join us on the patrol? Said fat gum"

"Sure. It could be fun. You said"

"This can be of your grade. Said Aizawa"

"Wait, are you my teacher?"



"Best jeans you can check around."

"I can do it."

The pro heroes look at you. When you do your eyes change "x" slivers and you look around the airport as you were looking around the room you stop at a man with a medium-dark green sized suitcase. As you looked into his suitcase you saw that he had a weapon inside it. You turned your head toward the pro heroes and told them.

"The man over there has a weapon in his suitcase."

"How do you know? Said nighteye."

"It's a part of my quirk. I call it "foreshow". It allows me to look to the future and through things."

"Hmmm. he said"

Aizawa came toward that man and asked if he could search his bag. Before the man agrees they exchange a few words but when they do they put the bag down and start searching. Eventually, Aizawa found the weapon and the man started running and you used your quirk to lift him up and bring him over to you and the pro heroes. But he was still hovering off of the ground.

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