Chapter 38 - Finding Someone

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Mu Zhan didn't sleep well. After falling asleep, it was easy to dream about what happened. I used to have a bad life, but now I finally sat in the most honorable position and got better, but I still often repeat those pasts in my sleep, like self-abuse, I can't see myself well.

    Because of such frequent dreams, even if you wake up from sleep, you will not get enough rest, and you will still be mentally exhausted. For a long time, dealing with heavy government affairs in such a state will naturally make people irritable.

    But later, with the appearance of Wen Mingyu, the dream changed.

    Those in the dark past suddenly had a person who shouldn't exist, and broke in unreasonably, messing up the repeated dreams and turning the world upside down.

    Mu Zhan frequently saw that familiar face in his dreams, his brows and eyes curved like crescent moons, and he smiled too brightly.

    "Your Majesty! Your Majesty!"

    called him over and over again, very loudly.

    From the initial impatience, to the later, there are some adaptations.

    Hearing the crisp call, he subconsciously turned around and looked at it, which almost became a conditioned reflex. Before his brain could react, his body moved first.

    Sometimes, when people are not around, he seems to be able to hear voices, as if he is stunned.

    He has also begun to get used to it, and there will always be Wen Mingyu in his dreams.
When Wei Yingwu brought the rabbit to the palace, Wen Mingyu asked him if he wanted to raise a rabbit. He was not interested, but when he was asked, he looked at Wen Mingyu and suddenly imagined the top of Wen Mingyu's head in his mind. It looks like a rabbit with rabbit ears, and it seems that if such a rabbit is raised, it would be good to have one.

    He thought that he would dream of Wen Mingyu with rabbit ears that night, but it turned out to be the same as usual. He couldn't help reaching out and touched the top of Wen Mingyu's head.

    After a while, he gradually forgot about it.

    Unexpectedly, I dreamed in the palace.

    After being busy for a while, his eyelids were so heavy that he casually lay down on the couch next to him, intending to get up after a short rest, but he had a dream.

    He slept dizzy and half asleep, thinking it was a dream.

    Therefore, it is more casual and wanton than usual, without any scruples.

    Seeing Wen Mingyu sitting on the ground and pulling the person up, she felt the fluffy tail, and also saw the extra rabbit ears on top of Wen Mingyu's head, not standing up, but hanging down softly , and he is very consistent, soft and cute.

    The dream that I thought I would have in the past came so late, of course Mu Zhan would not miss this opportunity, he obeyed the thoughts in his heart, took the person into his arms, rubbed his ears and played with his tail, and was slightly surprised when he saw the person turned into a rabbit. , Probably because of a dream, he quickly accepted it calmly, and played with rabbits again.
Wen Mingyu was tossed until her eyes were red and wet, and she was about to cry.

    He felt strangely satisfied. The lop-eared rabbit is only the size of a slap, just enough to hold it with one hand, and it is perfectly controlled in the hand. Without his permission, he can't go anywhere, and can only stay within his line of sight.

    really good.

    When I said it looked delicious, it was also because of his cute and fluffy balls, much like the milk balls made by the imperial kitchen, and I subconsciously said what I said in my heart.

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