Chapter 67 - Dragon Shape

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Wen Mingyu had long wanted to see Mu Zhan's dragon-shaped appearance, and had imagined it in his heart, but the real scene far exceeded his expectations.

    I thought it was just bigger than a human, but what appeared in front of me was a huge body that seemed to cover the sky, but the dragon head was longer than the height of an adult man, and conservatively estimated that the length was more than 100 meters.

    The whole body is covered with golden dragon scales, with two huge dragon horns on the top of the head, and a pair of wings on the back, and the feathers reflect a gorgeous luster in the sun.

    This image is very similar to Yinglong in myths and legends.

    If it has auxiliary wings, it is a true dragon. *

    The ancients have a saying that Youfang is a real dragon.

    But at this time, Wen Mingyu couldn't think so much at all. When Mu Zhan turned into a dragon and hung in the air, his mind went blank because he was too shocked. He could only open his eyes wide and stare blankly. An unbelievable scene.

    He actually saw the dragon.

    The golden dragon hovering in mid-air slowly lowered its body, its claws touched the ground, and landed on the ground in front of Wen Mingyu.

    The golden vertical pupils stared at him closely.

    The closer you get, the more terrifying oppression and shock you can feel, like a monstrous wave that can engulf people in an instant.
Wen Mingyu froze in place, forgetting to breathe, as if his body was out of control and unable to move, until the golden dragon in front of him leaned slightly, lowered his head, and lightly touched his shoulder.

    This movement is extremely gentle, like a tiger sniffing a rose, cautiously, for fear of hurting him inadvertently.

    Wen Mingyu regained her senses, relaxed her body, and stared at the golden dragon in front of her.

    Because of the close distance, he could clearly see the outline of each golden dragon scale, the slightly raised arc, and the pair of deep and deep vertical pupils, as if the entire dazzling galaxy was hidden inside.

    The double pupils clearly reflected Wen Mingyu's figure, as if locking people into his eyes.

    Wen Mingyu looked up at him, and there was only this awe-inspiring dragon in his eyes.

    Wen Mingyu took a step forward, as if bewitched, reached out and gently hugged the golden dragon's head, then lowered his head and touched him lightly with his forehead, kissing him lightly.

    In an instant, Jinlong seemed to be frightened by something, and shook violently, and the dragon scales all over his body exploded, like an animal's fur.

    Wen Mingyu was stunned for a moment, and was amused by his reaction. She smiled and frowned, and couldn't help but say, "It's so cute."

    Jin Long's expression suddenly became extremely subtle, and it seemed that he couldn't understand why he was so cute . This word is related.

    He wanted to shake his head, but was hugged by Wen Mingyu again, and a slight movement might hurt him.
As a result, his huge dragon body seemed to be restrained by this little human being in front of him, and he didn't dare to move at all.

    Wen Mingyu hugged him, with uncontrollable excitement in her voice, "Your dragon shape is so beautiful!"

    Jin Long's face was calm and calm.

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