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"Ya, ya lets get this over with, I have other things to deal with instead of this bullshit. But then again, you don't huh,


Minako pov


"Hm nope heh, I'm free as a bird."

"Yes but some birds have owners now, don't they? So when are you going to drag your ass to your master? They must be worried sick-!.." I rolled my eyes.

"Har har, Minamoto-chan." I looked at him, "Shut up, remember to call me Momo, no one can know am from the Minamoto clan, stupid."

"Ah sorry 'Momo'-"

"I just can't believe you didn't change your stupid last name! Haru?! Come on!"

"Aw is the little shorty mad? It's not like anyone even knows what exorcists are! EVEN if they DID it's not like they would know our clans, okay? Calm down, geez."

"And- wait what happened to you-"

"Ah? Oh- I had a little oopsie with the apparition. What else? I'm not that clumsy."

He snickered, "Like (Y/n)-chan?"

"OH SHUT UP! She's clumsy but come on she's cute, you have to admit it pft! Like it's sooo obvious you like her."

Shun rolled his eyes, "Nah.. the little Yugi wouldn't even let me go near her. Even if I did."

"Sorry... pardon, but I thought you said that the little Yugi, known as Tsukasa, wouldn't let you go near her, or am I mistaken?" I said, scoffing at his remark. "You know damn right you can just murder him if you'd like, surprised you haven't done so." I rolled my eyes again.

"Haaa.. well am not a murderer and I don't like violence~ unlike someone I knowwww" He snickered.

"Oh shut up, I don't like violence.. But it's my job to exercise apparitions, and you know damn right that's what I do." I snarled back.

"Woah there tiger, er sorry, kitty-cat, didn't mean to make you upset, didn't know kitty-cats bite.." Haru smirked.

"Let's get this done before the students get back to class, otherwise it'll be a hell of a tough job.. But then again I wouldn't complain."

"Let's get going then, shorty."

"Stop calling me shorty or I'll feed you to the apparition." I said with a serious tone.


I take my raiteijou out and swing it over my shoulder, "that looks offly heavy, Momo, you sure you can–"

"This has been passed down from generation to generation, you dare question if I can merely 'hold it' cause bish I can, unlike you and your weird-ass mini knife things. It's probably as light as a feather!" I protested as we both walked down, trying to track the location of the good-for-nothing apparition.

"Ha.. well they're not light and second off they're not mini..!" He pulled up his sleeves revealing that they were more like swords than knives. The swords/knives had something that was attached to his arm.

"Hm, whatever" I then looked to the left, I sensed a weird presence. "...It's here," I grabbed my rateijou and clenched it. "Get ready,"

The presence then disappeared for a split second, "What was that? It just disappeared—"


"Oh shi–" I turned my body to the right and saw something in the corner of my eye. I then swung my rateijou and lightning came out of it, striking the mysterious shadow.

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