New Faces

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We all went back to a time 2000 years ago as we looked at where we were. Rani looked at the time period of clothing that the Jewish people during that era were wearing, and she pulled out her scepter, waved it around and our clothes changed. I wore a white robe similar to my Victorian Era clothes that I had on, and a leather vest to go with it. Mei wore a white robe, and clipped to her shoulder was a red sash. Rani had on a white robe too with a purple sash. As for what city we were in: we were in Sepphoris. A throng of people were coming and going as they pleased and there were vendors and merchants selling a lot of things. There were skilled carpenters as well as we blended in with the crowd walking towards the city.

"Go! Here, get a move on!" A gent was guiding a herd of cattle through Sepphoris.

"Can't catch me!" A lad jumped in front of the cattle and the herd drive cracked his whip, scaring the poor lad who didn't know any better.

"GO ON! GET OUT OF HERE!" The gent snapped.

Indistinct conversations were around us as we observed and looked at our surroundings. I could tell that Ruby, and Rani's other sisters with Down Syndrome and autism were overwhelmed with the amount of people so Joanne steered them away from the crowded areas. I gently held on to Jessica's hand.

"I've a fine job for you!" A man said to another.

"Keep close, love." I gently reminded Jessica.

"Okay, Mr. Todd." Jessica smiled. "It's a bit crowded over here and that."

"Don't worry, dear." I reassured. "We'll find a place where it's not crowded."

Among a crowd filled with people, I saw two new faces: one was a 12 year old girl with olive skin, her raven hair was short and curly...soft like a little lamb's. With her was her father, who seemed to be an official of the law in a synagogue with olive skin, his hair in a bowl-cut and a neatly trimmed beard. His eyes seemed a bit worried as his girl flailed about. He caught her in time.

"Be careful!" He reminded her.

"I'm alright!" The girl wriggled annoyed.

Rani came over to the two of them as Mei, Jessica and I observed.

"Are you sure you are?" She asked the older girl.

"I wonder if she's okay..." Mei wondered worriedly to me and Jessica.

"I don't know, sweet...why don't we go see?" I advised softly.

Jessica and Mei were on either side of me now as we walked to where Rani was. The father looked at her in caution.

"Who are you?" He asked worried. The gent also looked at me, Jessica and Mei too. He didn't know us either. Rani was about to tell them her name when...

"Jairus! Jairus!" Another man called out excitedly to see his friend. He was a stocky sort of gent who was wizened and never lost a foot in his step with olive skin, his head was covered in a hat to keep from sweating under the hot sun.

"Spices here, get your spices!" A vendor called out to the passing crowds.

"Cleopas! Cleopas, old friend!" Jairus greeted his old friend with a hug.

"My name is Rani." Rani introduced herself to the older girl.

"Hello, Rani! It's nice to meet you!" The girl smiled.

Mei was about to learn the girl's name, as did I and Jessica.

"Now then, Tamar!" Cleopas hugged the girl who giggled. And then he turned towards Rani, Mei, Jessica and I. "And who are you?" He asked.

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