Come To Me

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Rani was practicing her spells before we all went to the meadows where Jesus would gather all of us. There was a small group now as He spoke.

"Ask, and it will be given to you." Jesus said to the group. "Seek, and you will find. Knock, and the door will be opened."

Rani instantly pictured in her mind the door in her bedroom. I thought of it too as I smiled, inspired by what Jesus was going to tell us next.

"Your Father in Heaven longs to give you all good gifts!" Jesus approached the same man that we saw at the Jordan River. I had heard from someone that his name was Andrew.

"Our Father? In Heaven?" Andrew asked confused.

"You'll see." Rani encouraged.

"This man is different from other Rabbis." Another man observed. He had rich clothes and wore his hair in a ponytail.

"You mean He preaches His own message rather than God's." A curly haired bearded man jumped to conclusions. I shook my head annoyed at his words but ignored him.

"No, He says things in a new way." A man with a five-o-clock shadow replied, encouraged by Jesus' words.

"There's no harm in listening." An elderly Sadducee encouraged.

"Look at them." The second man said jealously. He looked to me like he was one of those Pharisees.

A whole throng of people came over to see Jesus now.

"Come to Me! Come and listen to Me!" Jesus called out lovingly.

From a distance, I spotted Tamar, Mei, Jessica, Tammie and this time, it wasn't Jairus taking Tamar for a walk, it was her mother, Rachel. She is a beautiful woman with olive skin, raven hair tied back in a ponytail and parted in the middle. She was wearing a white robe with a pink sash around her shoulders and waist.

I knew from the pastel yellow robe that Mei had on, and they were moving far away from the crowd. I walked over to where they were.

"Mei!" I called out in love as I reached the group, following Rani.

"Sweeney!" Mei exclaimed cheerily. I bent down to hug her. "Good to see you!"

"Same here, love!" I smiled as I kissed Mei's forehead. I looked at Tamar and then looked back at my little sweet. "How's Tamar?"

"Her fever is getting worse." Mei informed worried.

"It's only a matter of time before it gets worse." I softly replied.

Mei nodded.

"Mother!" Tamar pointed out.

"Come on, Tamar..." Her mother sighed, taking her hand. "I should never have brought you into the fields today."

"It's Him! The carpenter in Sepphoris!" The girl exclaimed to her mother as she took her girl's hand.

"You may as well stay, you're in for a treat!" Rani chimed in.

"Rani!" Mei exclaimed and hugged her youngest cousin. I smiled as they did.

"Who are you?" The woman asked Rani, as well as I. She was much more curious than her husband Jairus and more welcoming.

"My name is Benjamin, ma'am. Pleasure to meet you." I introduced myself.

"I'm Rani. I've met Jairus, and I've met Tamar back in Sepphoris...and you must be..." Rani introduced herself.

"This is Tamar's mother, Rachel." Tamera introduced Rani to Tamar's mother.

Blimey! Mei's friend's name is Rachel too! I mused in thought.

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