Epilogue-Seeing Is Believing

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"The Lord! He was--I thought they had taken the body!" Peter said to the 10 apostles who had gathered in the upper room. I had an excited Mei on my lap as I listened to Peter about what he saw.

"Who?" John asked the elder Apostle.

"Priests, Romans, but He was...He was there! In front of my eyes! In front of me, this near---right here, like--" Peter described.

"I cannot believe what I'm hearing!" Thomas could hardly believe what Peter was talking about as he stood up and strode about.

"Aww, come on, man! You've gotta believe us!" Stephen insisted.

"Thomas! I saw Him!" Peter exclaimed.

"You're all crazy--all of you! Dreams, visions, everyone's going mad! I'm leaving---OHHH!!" Thomas was about to leave when suddenly, in burst Cleopas and Jairus.

"The Lord!" Cleopas shouted joyfully, out of breath with his friend.

"JAIRUS!! CLEOPAS!!" Rani exclaimed excited.

"Good to see you, mates!" I smiled.

"Ohh....noooo...!" Thomas grumbled.

Ruby giggled at Thomas' expressions along with Mei.

"Easy, loves." I chuckled dotingly.

"We have..." Jairus caught his breath.

"We've seen him!" Cleopas said.

"Where?" John asked alarmed and in joy.

"On the road from Jerusalem...on the road, right...right beside us." Jairus described.

Emmaus...I thought with a smile.

"He was with us. We didn't realize...we didn't recognize..."Cleopas added.

"That's because he's in your imagination, Cleopas." Thomas snarked. He was still on the floor doubting.

"On the road, Thomas!" Cleopas corrected.

They described their encounter with Jesus and they were heading to Emmaus to visit with Cleopas' cousin and meet up with Rachel and Tamar; they had headed for safety after the crucifixion and death of our Lord. I listened to their story, enraptured and filled with so much love and joy as I hugged both Ruby and Mei to me. The scriptures indeed were fulfilled when the Lord gave Himself over to the High Priests, the Romans and died for us. Tamar knew who it was that was sitting next to her father and Cleopas. The last thing that Jairus and Cleopas told us was that Jesus Himself, broke the Bread in the same way He did at the Last Supper and He disappeared.

"Then He was gone...! Vanished!" Cleopas concluded.

All of us were in awe and in wonder. Rani and the other girls were glad that Tamar saw him. I smiled as well.

"Blessed be the King!" Peter hugged the Apostles in joy.

"No one there." Jairus added smiling.

"No one there?!" Thomas asked, still doubting.

"No one...an empty place: two pieces of broken bread, a cup...and everyone was crying...and laughing...and crying!" Cleopas explained.

"Well, I'm sick of this!" Thomas rose up agitated. "I'm sorry."

"Thomas!" Jairus protested.

"After all we've been telling you, you still won't believe it?! Rani's awake, and He's alive!" Krishna pointed out.

"Well, unless I see Him, right here, before me! Like that, in front of me, right here! And unless I see the marks of the nails and put my finger into those wounds, I will NOT believe!" Thomas ranted.

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