Tamar Healed

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"Rabbi! Please! Come to my house!" A man called out from in the crowd.

Tamera was keeping Stephen and I up to date about Tamar...that she was bedridden and close to death...and poor sweet Mei...she was at her bedside trying to help her get better. With her were Jessica and Joshua in Tamar's bed.

Someone bumped into me and ran past.

"OOF! OI, WHAT'S THE--" I shouted after the figure running past.

"I'm so-so sorry!" The voice sounded familiar and he had a bowl cut. 

"Hey, look! It's Jairus!" Stephen realized.

"Blimey!" I exclaimed in hope.

Soon, Tamar will be healed! I thought wistfully and praying to God that the sweet girl would be cured from the sickness that she had.

I followed Jairus with Stephen at my feet as the leader of the synagogue called out for Jesus.

"Please, please...Master!" Jairus called out desperately. He was getting close to our Lord.

"Please, dear God, spare her...!" Tamera prayed.

"I must see Him!" Jairus pushed through the crowds.

"It's Jairus!"


"It's the leader of the synagogue!" Many people were surprised to see Him out and about as he fell down to his knees in front of Jesus.

"Master! Master! Master, my little girl..." Jairus spoke up now. Jesus knelt down to gently pick him up.

"Jairus, you came!" Rani exclaimed.

"She's dying. Please, if You can come now to my house and lay Your hands on her...she will be healed." Jairus explained worried; voice cracking with emotions.

"Yes." Jesus nodded, His brows furrowed with worry, concern and love for Tamar. "I will. I will come."

"Oh...oh, thank you!" Jairus sobbed quietly.

"Thank the Lord! Onward to Tamar!" I chimed in hope.

We all followed where Jairus had trod with Jesus by his side.

"This way, not far...it's not far." Jairus directed.

While we were walking, someone passed me by, reached out and touched Jesus' sash.

"Oh..." Jesus stopped all of the sudden. "Who touched Me?" He wondered.

"I sensed someone did." Rani wondered.

"Please, Master?" Jairus asked worried.

"We'll get to Tamar, dude. Keep calm." Krishna reassured.

"Someone touched Me just now." Jesus said, concerned.

"Lord, everyone is touching You! Look at the crowds!" Peter pointed out cheerily.

"I-I know, I know. Someone touched Me." Jesus explained worried. "I felt the power go out of Me."

"Oh, boy..." Kim looked around concerned as well.

"Don't worry, we'll find whoever it was." Krishna assured as she looked through the crowd.

"We found her, Jesus." Rani called out. It happened to be an elderly woman who touched Him. She was wearing a pink robe and a white shawl around her head.

"It was me, Lord. I was bleeding inside me for so many years. The doctors did nothing." The woman explained to Him.

"Ohhh..." The triplets chorused in compassion.

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