The Calm Before the Storm

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I found myself in the very same dream as the night before. This time, it was different. Jesus felt very sad and weary...the shadowed angry men nabbed him and Rani chased after them. I could hear something pounding in the distance...the sound of hammers and nails, Jesus crying out in pain. And then I saw Rani sprawled out on the ground and she couldn't move. I could hear myself calling her name, shaking her awake....

I woke up suddenly, worried for Rani and for the Lord. I rose up from where I was sleeping (next to Mei whom was sound asleep) and went outside the camp to mull through it all. It was early morning. I sat on the grass and worriedly looked around for guidance on the dream I was having. I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to see who it was. It was Joshua.

"What's troubling you, Sweeney?" The younger man asked me softly.

"It's the same dream that I had last night, lad." I replied. "Only this time, it was different...I could hear...Jesus crying out in pain...Rani sprawled out on the ground...on top of that, she couldn't move...and I was shaking her awake..."

"Were you calling her name?" Joshua asked.

I nodded silently.

"I'm scared, lad...I don't know what the dream means for Rani...for the Lord." I worried softly. "I would do anything for them at this point."

"Sometimes dreams can tell us what we don't know." Joshua explained softly, his hand in mine.

"You know what Jesus told me, Sweeney?" Rani chimed in as we both turned to her. I knelt at eye level with her.

"What did He tell you, love?" I asked curious.

"He said for me not to worry about it now, that the future will come eventually." Rani reassured, squeezing my hand in comfort. "Worry about it when it gets closer."

I nodded, feeling reassured at the moment. Let's just say that it was the calm the before the storm.

I watched as Rani did her spells; Tamar and Mei went over to Jesus and hugged Him. 

Joshua and I saw a man barreling and riding on a donkey...we knew. It was Rueben. We came over and helped Jesus and Rueben with the steed.

"Whoa, boy! Slow down!" I calmed the donkey. 

Mei looked at Rueben concerned.

"Don't worry, sweet." I reassured tenderly. "We know him from Bethany. This is Rueben."

"Teacher!" Rueben was out of breath.

"Rueben!" Jesus exclaimed as He helped the gent off the donkey.

"I've ridden all night..." Rueben explained in between breaths.

"What's happened?" Jesus demanded worried.

"It's...Lazarus...he's so sick!" Rueben explained further.

My eyes widened in shock.

Not Lazarus...! I thought worried.

"What?!" Mei squeaked surprised.

"No!" Rani worried.

Jesus turned away, stunned and saddened by the news.

"Lazarus..." He whispered sadly.

"Oh dear..." I whispered in dread.

"Please. You must come to us. Martha and Mary...they're begging You..." Rueben pleaded sadly as he walked towards Jesus whom was mulling over what to do. "Please! If You don't come now..."

"Rueben..." Jesus turned to Rueben sadly and tenderly. "Tell Martha and Mary, I will come. I will come soon."

Jesus turned away now, His heart broken by the news. Tamar, Rani and Mei noticed now as Joshua and I went to comfort Rueben.

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