The Curse

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The rest of the day we spent it going over what to expect from the curse and what things to avoid in order to be able to manage it. There was so much information I needed to learn that I even started taking notes. It felt like we were girls again back at hexside and Edalyn was helping me prepare for an important test. It was nice being able to interact with my sister like this again. I had always hoped that we would be able to be close again but I always had my doubts about whether I would be able to reconnect with her. Even now I could not help but think that if it wasn't for Hunter I would have never gotten the courage to face my sister.

While Edalyn and I were talking Hooty looked after Hunter. Surprisingly he was really good at looking after him and Hunter seemed to enjoy his company. The two were currently deep in conversation with Hunter babbling while Hooty replied as if he could understand what the baby was saying. Who knows maybe he could. By the time we were done going over the curse, it was already dusk. Hunter was fast asleep on Hooty who had coiled himself to make a bed for the infant.

He was sleeping so soundly that I did not dare to wake him. I was going to take a quick trip back home to pick up some supplies and clothes for the both of us so we could spend the night and maybe a couple of days. It would be best to leave now while he was sleeping but I always found it difficult to go anywhere without him. I had already gotten so accustomed to having him with me and it was hard to trust anyone to take good care of him. Edalyn had to push me out the door to get me to leave.

Though I did not make it too far from the house. I remember thinking about the baby and what if Edalyn and Hooty were not able to take care of him. What if Edalyn was still mad at me and she would take it out on Hunter? What if the baby woke up and started playing with one of the many weapons Edalyn just had laying around? What if Hooty got hungry and he ate the baby? That was the last thought that I can remember before I was overcome by an overwhelming sensation of pain then everything went dark.

When I woke up it was morning already. I felt disoriented and lightheaded and I had a terrible aftertaste in my mouth. When I tried sitting up straight I felt an overwhelming sensation of vertigo take over. I tried running a hand through my hair but was surprised to find a branch tangled up in it. My mind felt foggy. I tried my best to recall what had happened which is when I remembered my sister, the curse but more importantly Hunter.

I go up and tried my best to find my way back to my sister's house. It felt like I had been wandering the woods for hours before I finally made it to the clearing where Edalyn's house was. The relief I felt when I saw the house was soon overtaken by horror. There were trees littered all over and there was damage to the house. Had it not been for the claw marks I would have assumed there had been a bad storm.

"Edalyn!" I shouted rushing towards the front door of the house. Before I could get too close Hooty shot out of the ground and stopped me. The way he was towering over me made me feel terrified. After all, he was the guardian of the owl house. Did he see me as a threat now? How would I be able to get Hunter back?

Before I could finish accessing the situation the creature moved toward me at a speed I could not dodge. I braced for the impact but no hit came. When I opened my eyes its face was only a few inches from mine. Unexpectedly the creature then spoke, "Shhhhh the baby is sleeping."

"What?" I asked, perplexed. I then saw the creature retreat back into the door and then open it so that I could walk inside.

I moved cautiously towards the door but once I reached the threshold I ran inside. I stopped short of the sofa as I saw my sister sleeping on it with the baby in her arms. Both were sleeping soundly. I was a bit surprised that Hunter looked so at peace sleeping in the arms of someone he just met but it was good that he was getting along with Eda. Speaking of which she looked like she had been out running in the woods. Her boots and dress were covered in mud and leaves. And sticks were sticking out of her hair.

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