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"Lulu please I'm begging you don't take the baby!" wept Hooty once he saw me approaching the house.

It was already late in the evening but I could still clearly see the tears in the demon's eyes. I also noticed that they had already started doing repairs to the damage I had caused to the house. I made a mental note to pay back Edalyn for the repairs. The creature's weeping made my focus come back to them which is when I registered what they had just said.

"Don't call me Lulu, and why would I take Hunter if we are both staying over?" I asked, perplexed. Looking at the creature directly was unsettling but something about its demeanor seemed off. "Is there something I should know?"

"Uhhh nope, nothing everything is fine the baby is fine," he replied nervously as he inched away from me. "Eda! Lulu is back!"

I pushed Hooty out of my way and quickly rushed into the house and yelled "Where's my baby?!" at the top of my lungs just to find Edalyn sitting on the couch holding the baby and next to her was Raine Whispers. The two looked surprised while Hunter was joyfully jumping up and down, outstretching his arms to me so I could pick him up.

Even though we had only been apart for a few hours as soon as I saw his happy face I got an overwhelming sensation of homesickness. I hurriedly walked toward him but before reaching out to pick him up I tried to find any signs of harm to him. However, the only thing noticeably different was the onesie he was wearing. It was the same red as Edalyn's dress with a picture of Hooty on it. I could only imagine why he was wearing such a thing, but other than that everything seemed to be in order. Why was Hooty so worried then?

Hunter was still trying to break free of Edalyn's grasp when I heard him cry out in frustration "Mama." I was stunned at first trying to make sense of what just happened. Then he called out to me again and I quickly took him from Edalyn and spun us around while covering him in kisses until his frustration turned to laughter. "My baby just said his first words. Did you hear him?!" I exclaimed.

"Ooooooh Me next! Me next! Say HOOOOTY," shouted Hooty cheerfully from over my shoulder.

"Cut it out Hooty don't ruin the moment," scolded Edalyn as she pushed Hooty out of the way with a smile. "Are you crying? Wow, Lily having a kid has made you soft."

"Oh, I'm sorry my little fledgling mama didn't mean to ignore you. I missed you dearly." I whispered, holding him close to me. I always find it difficult being away from Hunter but we have never been apart for this long without me being able to check on him. I know we can't be together all the time but sometimes I wish that was not the case. "Of course, I am crying. This is a beautiful moment and a major milestone in a child's life. I was also not expecting this so soon. I've been learning about child development and I..."

"Ugh, and you just ruined the moment with your nerdiness. I need some apple blood," groaned my sister, already walking towards the kitchen.

"Don't mind her, she's just a little grumpy because I wouldn't let her drink any apple blood until you got here." laughed Raine who was still sitting on the couch.

"That was for the best. I appreciate you helping out Edalyn with the baby," I replied, taking a seat on the separate sofa still holding on to Hunter. He was holding on to me tightly which is how he normally acts when I go pick him up from the daycare. My poor little bird was afraid I would leave again. "It's ok Hunter, mama isn't going anywhere."

"You really are his mother," whispered Raine. "I'm a little ashamed of myself. When Eda told me the child was your's part of me thought she was playing some sort of prank on me."

"Don't worry, you're not the only one that feels that way. To be perfectly honest with you, almost everyone that learns about Hunter thinks that he is Edalyn's child." I replied, laughing trying to make light of the situation. Even after the baby shower, I've still had people ask if he belonged to Edalyn. Odalia suggested that throwing a big birthday party to celebrate Hunter's first birthday might help. I wasn't too keen on the idea. I would rather just celebrate at home with just the two of us.

Lilith & Hunter: The Raven's NestWhere stories live. Discover now