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[F/S] Favorite Snack

[T/O/C] Toy Of Choice




I’ve been drawing a nearby bird as art has always been a passion of mine and I want to be better. The bird flew away, ‘suppose i’m done, bye bird!’ I smiled at my sketch, shoving my journal back into. Footsteps and chatter could be heard announcing the arrival of the other kids. 

‘There weren't a lot of chances outside of the creek to interact with people as dad wanted me to go to private school but there was none in the area, so instead of a public school I’m stuck in online classes.’ I adjusted my backpack and made my way to the trading tree, to eventually get stuck behind the forest scouts who had thrown down a bunch of sticks on the cooler-counter. Kit crossed her arms with an annoyed look, “for the 17th time Jason, I don’t trade for sticks!”

“These are actually branches,” he snobbed back. ‘How long will this take.’ I started tapping my foot and sighed.  “Okay well, whatever they are, we don't trade for 'em’. Now get outta here!” Jason grumbled as Kit shooed them away. “Hey Kit! Could I have [F/S] for this drawing?” I said while sliding my drawings up to her on the cooler. I hoped it would work and my luck didn’t turn out like the forest scouts as she inspected it. “Great drawing [Y/N]! Here’s [F/S]. Enjoy!” I grabbed it with a grin and a thank you. I finished up my snack while looking at the map, careful not to get anything on it. 

I put the trash from my food in my backpack pocket. After a while of walking around, I came face to face with the sewer, I rolled the map up and put it back in my pack. Two kids were guarding the entrance and they were sort of intimidating, ‘I don’t know if I should be afraid of people with floaties on.’ They threatened me to step back with pool noodles. “What are you doing here, dry footer?” 

‘Rude. What’s the issue with dry feet? Do they know how many infections they could get from stepping around in that water?’ I laughed nervously and clasped my hand together, “I- I’m [Y/N], I’m the adventurer of the Creek! My online school's class president and the child of the creator of the Seashore Shop!” I sweat nervously as the other guard gasped excitedly. “No way!” He shouted, “That’s the place where they have all those great candles, perfumes and seashells! My favorite is totally ‘Sand + Fog’!” 

“Oh! That one is a good one, good taste.” The boy nodded, I laughed. The first guard looked between us, she nudged the other guard with her pool noodle, “stop getting distracted, they aren’t welcome here!” A voice cleared their throat from the shadow of the entrance, walking forward behind the guards. Messed up raven colored hair, swim clothes, pink goggles and a pool skimmer net. ‘I like her fashion! Not a fan of bare feet walkin’ in the sewers though.’

“Anyone is welcome here!” The girl guard looked as if she wanted to say something but held against it, this person smiled back and told them to go with a shooing motion. The guards nodded and went into the sewer tunnel. The girl turned back towards me. “Hello! I’m the Sewer Queen. You said your parents created the Seashore shop?” The Sewer Queen smiled and held her hand out, I shook it but it may or may not be necessary to clean my hands later. “Heh, Yeah! My dad started the business when I was 5 and I’m even the model for some of the clothes.” 

She nodded, “sounds neat! So, what brings you here to the Sewer Kids’ Kingdom?” I shrugged and pulled out my map, showing all the crossed off areas. “These are all places I’ve been, haven’t been here yet so I’m here out of pure curiosity and a need for adventure.” 

The Sewer Queen hummed and shifted in her spot, “So… would you accept a personal tour of the Sewers from the queen?” I grinned, “That would be amazing.” I grabbed her hand to tell her to lead the way. The water was murky but didn’t have anything too gross in it, so I was comfortable walking it. We walked for a while, her keeping me close until an area came into view. Kids playing and splashing around or leaving and coming through different tunnels. I unlatched my hand from her for a second as I looked at the surroundings. “Wow, this is awesome!” 

“This is the throne room, [Y/N]! And of course, this is my throne.” She rubbed the back of her neck, some kids now watching. “Would you like to sit up there with me? It’s got a decent view.” Whispers and chatter echoed through the tunnel and reverberated off of water as most stared in surprise at their Queen's words. 

“The Sewer Queen would never offer such a thing…”

“Who is that?”

“A dry footer. Why would they get to sit on the throne?”

I did my best to ignore the words of others, today was time to try something new and cool, and this is definitely new and cool. “I’d love to!” She climbed her way onto the throne and waved me up. I did so carefully and joined her, it was a bit of a tight fit as the seat was only meant for one. I laughed awkwardly since I had to half sit on her lap. My face burned with embarrassment. She blushed a little too no doubt feeling a little embarrassed about the situation. “I’m sorry for.. Uh, you know… being on your…” Sewer Queen interrupted me with a proud, happy voice. “It’s fine with me!” She flashes a big bright smile.

I giggled, reciprocating the smile as we both laughed. My back was feeling a little stiff though, telling me of my need to move. ‘Well, you’re comfy and all but I’m gonna go ahead and get down now.” 

“Oh! Y- yeah, okay! Let’s continue the tour.” She made her way down first and watched a few steps back from the ladder, waiting. I started climbing down the ladder, until I slipped on the last step, I yelped and tried to grab the bars. ‘This is where I die-’ Hands on my waist caught me, stopping me just before I hit the ground. I slowly opened my eyes and was met with the Queen's face. She smiled and helped me to my feet. We made our way out of the big hall and into the rest of the sewer tunnel. I did my best to ignore her subjects glares, I told myself that it was likely just because of the whole dryfooter thing. 

We ended up in a room full of junk, but someone's junk is always another's treasure. This kinda just proves it. She walked in front of me, turning and holding a hand out to all the toys. “Kids drop their things all the time, mostly toys and sometimes they end up here!” I had stars in my eyes at the huge tower of things and junk. She smiled at the look on my face, “Heck, I got stuck here once too.” 

I don’t know if I’ll question that right now.’ A few items caught my eye, she seemed to notice. “You can have your pick of any toy you want! These toys need a home and consider it a gift of our meeting each other today.” I gasped, “Awesome!” I ran over to grab a wheelbarrow and started looking through all the toys. I found a [T/O/C], some cool looking race cars, a few stretchy toys, and an abandoned watercolor set. I put it all in the wheelbarrow and dragged it around with little effort. “Good picks, you can come back anytime and get anything you want.”

“Thanks, Sewer Queen.” 

“Oh, since we’re friends now, you can call me Eileen.” 

I smiled big and wide as I had a new friend, Eileen brought me around to finish the rest of the tour. I was out about five minutes before the dinner tuba. I said bye and waved to the Sewer Queen, promising to visit her again next time. 

Wheeling my toys back home I wondered about what I was going to call some of the new things and what I could draw with the water color set. I nearly stopped in my tracks right in front of the house, ‘how am I gonna explain this to dad…’



redits to WorldinHand for proof reading

- Fairest queen  -( Sewer Queen X Reader Craig of the creek )Where stories live. Discover now