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My legs stretched and eyes opened heavily. I sat up, arms keeping me upright, as I looked around an unfamiliar room. Panic ran through me, ‘how did I get here?’ …The carnival! That’s right, I fell asleep at the carnival.

I sat down on the edge of the bed and made myself aware of everything. The room had 2 doors, one to the rest of wherever I am and the other likely just a closet. I saw a TV set. The bed I was still on was comfy and squishy. I don't know where I am so I have no business wandering around. I started to make cool shapes with my hands, I need my Legos. The door started to open, now I can finally figure out where I am. The door swung open, making me flinch, cooling off when I saw the happy face of Sparkle Cadet.

"Hey [Y/N]! Glad You're awake! You fell asleep at the carnival."

Oh! Sparkles' house is close to mine, and while she knows where my house is she doesn't have the key and even if I did wake up there it would be quite weird to wake up there mysteriously. I smiled, "Alrighty then, thanks for letting me stay overnight, I'll head home now!"

I grabbed the bag that I had noticed was on the tv stand and left. I was still in my carnival clothes... gross. I need to shower. I headed out of Sparkles' house and walked over to mine which was only 2 neighborhoods away. It should be a 15-minute walk. I checked my bag and searched for my phone. I noticed a marshmallow keychain I kept on the case was gone. Must've lost it at the carnival, too late to get it now.

I turned on my phone and its battery was 43%. I entered my password and checked the time it was 9:18 AM. Tomorrow my dad is coming back, it'll be great! He usually brings me back souvenirs or limited edition items from the Seashore Shop. Huh, I never noticed how the shop has a tongue twister for a name. I scrolled down my calendar bored, I noticed that next month I have a visitation day with mom. I don't mind, Mom is very nice but she can't cook for her life. I chuckled as I walked past a dog walker.

The person noticed my staring at the dog and stopped near me. "Would you like to pet her?"

I sighed knowing the hives, rashes, and sores I would get if I did. No matter how much I wanted to pet the dog I really couldn't. "No, I'm fine."

The dog walker nodded and continued walking. I did as well, turning off my phone and putting it back in my bag. I walked up the stairs of my porch, watered the plants, and noticed the Yellow Roses sprouting. I smiled at them. I unlocked the door and headed inside. I re-locked it and sighed. I went to my room and put away my stuff. I packed some clothes, just some black overalls a white shirt, and dark gray sneakers. I took a Shower and got redressed. It's a Sunday so I'm free to go to the creek!

Although last time I went to the sewer I noticed a second path, as the adventurer of the creek, I feel pretty obligated to head over there and check it out! I grabbed a different bag and decided to be prepared since I have no idea what is over there so I have to be ready for anything! In the bag is some candy as backup... And by that I mean I might bribe someone. I got Band-aids, my phone, my map, a sketchbook, and some black ink pens. There was also a tennis ball cause I crave violence and I'm gonna throw it if I need to, I would've brought the bowling ball but it can't fit in the bag, finally, there's a camera. I think that's everything I need!

I hopped down the stairs, 2 at a time, and out of the house locking the door behind me. I finally made it to the lush creek. I took a fresh breath and smiled. I grabbed my map and opened it, and I started heading towards the sewer. The path is right near there so it's the best place to start. I think I'll stop by the sewer on the way. I mainly use the map to travel just in case I get lost, though I'm good at navigating without it. Unlike I am with hotels, the hallways are all the same, with creepy carpets and that one door with flashing lights.

I made it to the split between the sewer and the mysterious path I headed towards the sewer first. The water was ankle deep, I tried my best not to step in it. I was met with the entrance once again. The guards were blocking the entrance, these kids weren't the same ones as last time though. I cleared my throat and said In a happy tone, "Hello! May I come in?"

A boy shook his head, a defensive pose taking place, "Who are you? State your business at the sewers or leave!"

My hands slightly went up to show that it was safe, "Okay, relax. First, I'm friends with the Sewer Queen! Second, I'm just stopping by, it won't take too long."

Both kids glared, one stoic, the other just pure angry.

"We can't trust you, on behalf of my loyal work, I shall be escorting you to your destination." The other moved out of the way.

I made a frustrated face, huffed, and crossed my arms. "What do you mean escort? You don't need to do that. I'm plenty trustworthy!" They just side-eyed me. I sighed defeated and walked along behind the guard. We made it to the throne room and I was finally faced with Eileen.

I finally smiled, even if it didn't reach my eyes. It was like these guards were standing on my feet with how close they were keeping me. "Hey, Eileen. How's it going?"

The boy guard gasped, "do not talk to the Queen so casually!" He poked me in the ribs with a pool net which I promptly smacked away.

"Guys, It's ok. They're a friend of mine! Please return to the entrance, thank you." The childish guard gave me the stink-eye but was pulled away by his partner who was stoic as ever.

"Anyways, [Y/N]! Wanna come up and sit?"

I sweat as my mouth forms into a slight grimace. I could only remember how kids stared at me, with a burning pit of hatred in almost all of their eyes. I was an outsider, a dry foot, and their staring made me uncomfortable. A shook my head and gave her a polite smile, "I'm fine."

"I just wanted to visit you on my way to an adventure!" Her eyes sparkled just as mine from behind the goggles. "Cool, where are you exploring?" Eileen grinned.

My map lifted to show her and I pointed to a far-off corner of a crudely drawn forest near the sewers. "A river stream that isn't too far from here. I should get going now."

Eileen frowned a little but nodded, "good luck!"

I smiled, thanked her for the luck, and waved goodbye, I left the sewers and towards mystery!

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- Fairest queen  -( Sewer Queen X Reader Craig of the creek )Where stories live. Discover now