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Y/N 's Pov

I Heard something hit my window it startled me so I decided to take an look . I made an disgusted face

Y/N : Auugh bird poop , Grooooosssssss .

Its so , Ew .

Y/N : Why is it so wet and Goopy ?! Ewwwwwwww !

I gagged at the vile thought of bird feces I heard my phone ring and looked at it , it was Abigail I picked up the phone and heard the perky Voice of Nora with slight worry

Nora : Y/N where are you ?

Y/N : Im at home why what's wrong ?


Y/N : What !?

Nora : The Moths got in -

Nora : Oh my gosh they're eating the Daisies Abby stop them Quick !

I heard Nora Say to Abigail who's panicking in the background I heard them drop the phone and decided not to hang up , This is kinda funny .

Abigail : Nora , Grab the Swatter !

Nora : AhHHHHHHh! Its eating my Haiiiir

I heard The sounds of an object smacking onto multiple surfaces I assumed they dealt with it just fine .. Probably . I looked back at the bird dookster with an disgusted face and shut the curtains. I Decided to Head to the creek , I changed shoes though , these are my nice shoes . I put on my Brown Boots and grabbed an bag it had some big money , my phone and an pocket of air , it was such an Beautiful pocket of air . I came down the stairs and headed out . I Decided to stop by an donut shop I Wanted all my friends to meet up with each other , I waited in line and ordered I Assumed what they would like

Y/N : I'd like an Vanilla , Kiwi , Chocolate , Blueberry. And a F/D/F (favorite donut flavor )

Donut Lady : Kay that'd be 5$

I handed her the Money and sat at a table to wait . I hope I got good flavors , I assume Abby likes Vanilla she just seems like that type of person . I remember Nora Mentioned liking Kiwi . Some time Ago I saw Sparkle eating an choco roll so I assumed she liked chocolate , I mean almost everybody does . And blueberry Is for Eileen , I Just think shell like it . I smiled at the thought of my friends happy .I got the Bag of donuts and thanked the Waitress , I liked her hair it was really Pretty .  I headed Out of the Shop and towards the Creek  As I walked I thought about ... Actually I don't know what I thought about , But I know I thought about it . I Finally made it to the Creek and smelt the fresh Air , It smelt like mud , Gross .I decided to Head to the Gardeners Association First , As I followed along the Somewhat hidden path I noticed an Trail of muddy footsteps Going from out of the bushes into some other bushes , Odd , as the Adventurer of The creek , I shall Adventure this ... Later  , Right now I have donuts to deliver ! I approached the doors of the Greenhouse Joy on my face As I opened the door I Saw Nora And Abby . They had An Trash bag and An Fly Swatter behind them and Abigail was Brushing Nora's Hair .

Y/N : I brought Donuts !

I said bringing attention to me , They turned their heads towards me Abby put the Brush on an Nearby glass table she stood up and dusted herself off Nora Doing the same  I walked into the building closing the door behind me the butterflies had long been in cages by now but I still make sure to shut the door just in case .

Abigail : Y/N , Why didn't you come earlier ?

Y/N : What exactly are you referring to ?

Abigail : Oh I don't know maybe during the MOTH ATTACK this morning !

- Fairest queen  -( Sewer Queen X Reader Craig of the creek )Where stories live. Discover now