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(None this time~ ;3)




After saying goodbye to my friends and going back home, it had become the next day so quickly and I still had no idea who I planned on taking to the carnival. One ticket for me, one for Sparkle, and one for Eileen. The stump kids are a package deal so I can’t ask them, the horse girls would say something along the lines of, “WE’rE HorsEs, WE HaVE nO HANdS, oNLy HoOVEs!”

I snickered at my perfect Mackenzie impression. ‘Nailed it,’ I thought in a sing-song tone. When I quieted down, I started thinking about the kids I could give my last ticket to while walking along some random path. 

If I bring Bobby, he’s gonna drop his candy on every ride and force us to buy him more. The Ten Speeds would try stunts on the rides and get us in trouble. The Sewer Kids don’t like me for a reason I have yet to understand. I could invite Kit… possibly, but she has high standards for a lot of things and can’t come too late at night. I crouched down to a nearby flower.

“Would you like to come or at least help me decide?” The wind brushed its stem and leaves a little, making it seem like it shrugged. “Go figure.” I laughed, “Here I am talking to plants again, somehow receiving a response. Who even talks to flowers?” 

With a jump, I shot back away from the bushes as a voice emanated from it, “We sure do!” Out walking from behind a bush were two girls. One was blonde, had brown eyes and was a little taller than average. The other had dark skin, fiery red hair, hazel eyes, a missing tooth in her big smile, and was about my height. She couldn’t seem to stop moving her feet in her spot.

(Said 2 new girls):

The blondie cleared her throat, “so… hi! I’m Abigail

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The blondie cleared her throat, “so… hi! I’m Abigail.” I waved my hand at her a little bit. Her energetic friend popped up, eyes avoiding mine though, “Hii! I’m Nora. Me and Abby… uhm… Uh Abby…? what are we gonna do again?” She looked to Abigail.

“We came to invite them to the Gardeners Association. Remember the plants we saw on their porch?” Nora gasped in realization. “Ohh Right! I want to do it!” Abigail pet her friend on the head making it shake a little as that smile somehow grew bigger. 

“That’s okay, do you remember what to say?” 

Nora nodded her head quickly, I feared she would get whiplash for a second, she cleared her throat a bit too much and said in her light and bright voice,

- Fairest queen  -( Sewer Queen X Reader Craig of the creek )Where stories live. Discover now