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Sparkle Cadet Pov

Abby swore her angry heart out , and I can't really blame her , I ain't a snitch , and I have nothing against her so this'll stay between us.

Sparkle Cadet: All we need to overcome this is positive thinking ! We can overcome this !

Y/N: Right! So, the bike is out of commission,  if we blow the whistle, the guards could hear , so what can we do ?

I looked around before looking at the magical staff in my hands

Sparkle Cadet: the guards can Hear , but what if they couldn't see ?

Eileen: Sparkle,  that idea is perfect ! Use the bubbles to blind the guards ! Then Abby and Handlebarb can get down and open the door safely!

I could hear Handlebarb shout down to us

Handlebarb : I see a bush that me and Abbby can jump onto

Abby: today has been so scary , and it's not gonna get calm is it ?

Alright then , the plan is set it's time for action  I snook over towards the guards I bubble basted one but the other noticed me the instant the other was blinded

Guard 2: Hey ! Get over here !

I blasted the guard with my bubbles and gave a thumbs up to Handlebarb and Abigail they jumped off the wall and presumably onto the bush .I heard some grunts and the door opened I waved over Y/N and the sewer queen and we all entered through the gate we saw an place with stands and tables and areas of course with the giant tree house in the middle There were tons of kids here a few staring at us , uh oh , this was an unexpected problem

Maya's pov

There had been a panic in the village an group of  5 kids had broken in and they aren't In our ranks . My king ordered for their capture immediately so that's what I did As I came face to face with the kids I swung my bat at them 3 of them put up a fight but the other 2 had began running towards the tree house I immediately kicked the two down and dealt with the 3 easily , they put up a fight and the on with a pool skewer was the hardest to fight but I was able to handle them I dragged them to the palace The king can deal with them When the time stuck I took them to the king and stood by his side once more

Y/N's pov

Once defeated we were taken to the king and now we stand in front of the purple bat girl , the king and NORA !
Abigail with the strength of an Angry mother immediately broke the vines that tied us up and ran up to Nora and hugged her.

Abigail : Nora ! Are you okay , how did you Get here ? Are you hurt ? Don't worry I'm gonna get you home ! What happened ? I'm sorry I took this long to find you!  Everything is gonna be ok !

Nora: Abby! I'm okay , I swear I am. I got chased down while looking for honeysuckle seeds ! I'm not hurt at all !and you didn't do anything wrong !

The two girls ran up to each other and embraced one another in a hug. It's wonderful to see an reunion , but the reunion was cut short when the supposed king clapped to get our attention

"King" : it's cool that you know each other but , your trespassing in my kingdom.

Nora ran up to the king

Nora : Please King, These are my friends and they were just worried about me !

the king made an frustrated yet defeated face

"King": I'll let you go with them , because it's what will make you happiest , but can you visit me every Thursday?

Nora gave an smile to the king

Nora : Of course Mr.King ! I'll see you then !

"King" : Oh,  you don't have to return the dress by the way , I think you look nice in it.

Nora : Really ?

"King" : Don't Mention it !

Nora waved the king goodbye and ran over to Abby they hugged and held hands .

Y/N: it's time to head home ! The dinner bell is gonna ring in 12 Minutes so we better hurry

We all rushed to the over pass after claimg Handlebarb's bike The second we got there the dinner bell rung we all headed home Abby and Handlebarb walked to the bike repair shop before home though , I have a feeling we're going to be seeing those two together alot more often ! I waved goodbye to Eileen and the thoughts of earlier all rushed back , Eileen is the queen of the Sewers, she's confident and caring ,protective and smart , she's Also gorgeous, and I must admit this queen has won my heart! I just hope I can win hers as well!

This is just because it was at 799 words and it was killing me that it wasn't quite at 800 yet.

- Fairest queen  -( Sewer Queen X Reader Craig of the creek )Where stories live. Discover now