CHAPTER ONE: All My Troubles On A Burning Pile

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Vi sat in the pouring rain, clutching her arm as the water and tears streamed down her grime covered face.

She sobbed, the ache in her ribs very much more apparent with each shuddering breath she took.

She thought back to what had transpired moments ago with her sister. She had regretted hitting Powder the second it happened, but she couldn't take it back. She had hurt her sister.

"Because you're a Jinx! Do you hear me?! Mylo was right!"

Violet sobbed once more, gritting her teeth together harshly and resisting the urge to hit herself for what she's done.

"Whatever happens, it's on you."

Vanders words rang throughout her mind, plaguing her with guilt.

"Take care of Powder..."

And she had failed to do even that, as moments after her father figure had died, she went and attacked her sister for only trying to help.

"I was- I was saving you..."

Vi sniffled as she was reminded of her younger sisters words.

"I only wanted to help... I only wanted to help- I only wanted to help! I only wanted to help!"

She only wanted to help. And what did Vi do? Hurt her for it. She was no better than that man and his monsters.

But, she wasn't going to leave Powder alone. So, with what little strength she had left, she tried pulling herself up off of the water covered ground, only to spot something across the way from her that made her freeze.

Silco, standing above her little sister, holding a knife.

Her eyes widened as she she shot up, her big sister instincts kicking in as she spotted her younger sibling in potential danger.

"Powder... Pow-!"

Before she could even take a step forward, however, she was grabbed from behind, a cloth being pressed over her nose and mouth.

"Be quiet." Said the voice holding her as she struggled. "He'll kill you if he hears you."

Vi didn't even have time to put up more of a fight, as she soon fell unconscious as the man dragged her away.

If only she had stayed awake a little longer, then she would've seen Powder running away from Silco.


Silco scoffed as he watched the little blue haired girl run away from him. He didn't even bother going after her, she wasn't worth the trouble.

He looked down and sneered at Vanders deceased body below him, ravaged and mutated by Shimmer.

He straightened after a few moments, and turned to the remaining people he still had with him.

"Let's go." He said, duly. "We'll recover the body later."

He led them all away from the burning cannery. He'd have to work on a new way to supply Shimmer, as it was now all destroyed.

As he and his entourage walked through the pouring rain, he spotted a familiar looking Enforcer at the docks, climbing into a boat with an even familiar looking unconscious teenager.

"Well, I assume now with Sheriff Grayson gone, you will be appointed as head Enforcer. Won't you, Marcus?"

Said man flinched, dropping the girl in his arms rather unceremoniously into the boat, her limp body making a loud smack! against the wood.

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