CHAPTER TWO: Throw My Troubles At The World Again

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"Happy Progress Day!" Powder cheered as she bursted into hers, Jayces, and Viktors lab.

Viktor looked up from where he was seated, looking a little worse for wear, and rather exhausted -he had started looking more sickly over the years- and gave the girl a smile.

"Hello, Powder." He said curtly, his thick accent making her body instantly relax.

The older man always had a way of making her feel calm, which only one other person was able to do.

But, that person isn't around anymore.

Powder sauntered over to the man and jumped up onto the long desk, taking a seat and swinging her legs.

"Where's Jayce?" She asked. "usually he's in here with you at this time."

Viktor shrugged, looking back at the desk to what he was fiddling with -which was one of the mechanical butterflies that were released during the Progress Day Parade.

"Something to do with Heimerdinger." He said. "The professor wanted to speak with him."

Powder hummed in acknowledgement, pushing her choppy bangs out of her face, and looking to the high ceiling of the lab.

"Well, if he doesn't get back here soon I'm gonna steal that sandwich he left out."

The older man let out a tired sounding chuckle.

"Don't let him see you do that. The last time that happened, he kept them locked away in a safe for weeks to keep them away from you."

Powder giggled, messing with her long braid that she had draped over her shoulder.

"Yeah, that was stupid of him. Took him a long time to realize that it was just making the sandwiches go bad."

Viktor looked up at her.

"Why aren't you out there enjoying the festivities? I'm sure you'd rather be doing that instead of being here with me. I know how much you love bothering Miss Kiramman during her shifts, and I heard she's supposed to be guarding her parents tent."

Powder blew a raspberry past her lips, causing the pieces of hair hanging near her mouth to fly upwards slightly.

"Yeah, but Caitlyn is always so serious on her shifts. Plus, it wouldn't be any fun if I bothered her in front of her parents- actually, that might be really fun! Thanks for the idea, Vik!"

The blue haired girl leaped off the desk, her long braid following her movements, as she gave Viktor a gentle, but energetic hug.

"See ya at Heimerdingers speech!"

And with that, she ran out the lab doors.

Viktor watched her leave with a fond smile on his tired face, before it turned into a grimace and he was coughing into his hand.

Pulling his palm away from his mouth, he noticed the specs of blood dotting his skin.

He took a slow, deep breath, wiping his hand on his pants to free it of the blood, then turned back to his work.


Powder trudged through the Progress Day parade in search of Caitlyn. If she was near her parents tent, then she's for sure being watched, which made the younger girls mood much better.

Her and Caitlyn weren't best friends, but they got along. More so acquaintances that hung out often due to mutual friends.

However, Powder loved teasing the woman.

Spotting a head of familiar dark blue hair, Powder trudged to her side, staying out of sight, before jumping on the taller woman.

"Caity Cat!" The girl yelled.

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