CHAPTER SEVEN: Whatever Happened To The Hayloft?

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Powder led Caitlyn through The Lanes towards Babettes Brothel, the hood of the cloak Caitlyn had given her pulled up over her head.

The younger girl walked a familiar path, looking to the side and spotting bright yellow neon lights.

The Last Drop, in all its former rustic glory, was now a bright club that blasted loud music.

Powder stared sadly at her old home, memories resurfacing as she stared down at the building from the cat walk above.

Caitlyn came up behind her, looking over her shoulder.

"Hm. Now that place does look like it has bodies buried in the basement."

Powder narrowed her eyes, gripping the wooden railing beneath her hands, and clenched her teeth.

Scoffing, she pushed off the railing.

"You don't know what you're talking about."

Despite her and Caitlyn getting along quite well, Powder couldn't deny that her uptight and privileged views on some matters put a strain on things. Yes, Caitlyn was nice for Piltie standards, and she had a good moral compass, but she let her prim and proper upbringing cloud her judgement sometimes. Of course, Powder couldn't blame her for that, it's how she was raised.

Still, the blatant abrasiveness from time to time stung a bit.

The pair continued to walk for a while, going through back alleys and behind buildings to avoid suspicion and being seen, Powder came across a familiar metal door.

Knocking rhythmically, a sliding hatch opened as Powder stared the man in the eye for a second or two.

With a grunt, the burly man opened the door and allowed to two girls in.

Caitlyn walked in behind Powder, staring at everyone and everything that walked by.

"Where are we?" She questioned.

Powder blatantly eyed a skinny brunette girl that walked by them, all while answering Caitlyn's question.

"The best place to spill any secret, of course. Why not talk when you're at your most vulnerable?"

Caitlyn looked around warily, a bit of pink rising on her cheeks in embarrassment.

"How do you suppose we go about this, then?"

Powder eyed the woman with a shrug of her shoulders.

"Let them think you work here."

The taller woman scoffed incredulously.

"Excuse me? I will not."

Powder stared Caitlyn down, before approaching her in slow steps.

"Look, you and I are friends and all, but you have some serious problems that are holding this friendship back. You know what it is?"

Caitlyn rolled her eyes.

"Please, tell me." She said sarcastically.

Powder shook her head, a mocking smirk coming onto her face as she circled Caitlyn.

"You expect everyone to give you what you want, it's engraved into your posh Topsider brain. But, if you really want people to talk to you, you have to let them think you have what they want."

Caitlyn watched the girl in confusion.

"And what do I have?"

Powder looked the woman up and down, nodding her head and standing Infront of her.

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