Chapter Twenty-Two

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(A/N: I updated these at the exact fuckin time. I have no life, so I had time to write this. Ending in like seven chapters? Maybe less.)

Harry's POV:

"I know how to fix this," I handed off the device to Louis and ripped the panel off of a computer tower under the desk closest to us.

"You just like destroying things," Louis commented and laughed, I turned to reply, but the sarcastic remark got caught in my throat.

Fuck, if he didn't look gorgeous. His eyes crinkled with happiness as he leaned forward mid-laugh.

"Why are you staring at me?" He asked as his fit died down.

I looked away and didn't reply as I carefully took two wires that led away from the battery of the computer and held them up, "give me the phone,"

Louis handed it to me and I attached the two wired to separate connect points, where the battery would have connected.

"Harry that will short it out," Louis said.

"Yes, but we will have at least ten seconds before it shorts the circuit." I handed the phone to Louis, "how's your texting skills?"

"Fairly decent," he replied. "If you write down the coordinate, I can send them to zayn. He's on my speed dial."

"Can you tell him not to tell Liam?"

"I can try. I will have to shorten all the words if I do," he took the phone and waited for it to start.

"After it powers up, you will only have 10-15 seconds to send a message," I hovered over the power button on the computer, "are you ready?" Louis nodded and I pressed the button inward, causing the screen on the desktop and the one on his phone to light up.

The lock screen came up and Louis quickly unlocked his phone and opened his messages. Zayn was in his recents. Louis opened the messages and typed in a series of numbers, followed by 'dnt tll m. P'.

He pressed send right as the wires melted off the platform, frying the motherboard.

"Do you think it went through?" Louis turned to me wide-eyed.

"I think," I wasn't sure really. I hope it went through.

"Thank you," Louis said after a moment I silence.

"For what?"

"For everything Harry. You've went out of you way so many times to save my ass, when you should be trying to kill me. It's my fault we're here. I've been after you for what feels like forever, and you're just, I don't know, nice to me." He gestured his hands wildly, "why? Why are you so nice to me?"

"Louis, I-" I wanted to tell him. I wanted to tell him that I felt for him, but I haven't even fully accepted that myself. I haven't really considered it much, but it was obvious. "I should be thanking you," nice one Harry.

Louis gave me a look, "Why would you thank me?"

"You saved me from those pumas, you healed my wounds, and you-" there I go again, almost mentioning something about my 'feelings'.

Since when am I so, I don't know, girly? I'm supposed to be tough, a fighter.

"I what?" Louis urged me to give him more, but I couldnt.

"Nothing," I stood, Louis followed, pulling me in for a hug.


"Harry, when, if, we get out of here, I will try the hardest that I can to get you the lowest sentence I can."

I silently thanked him and wrapped my arms around him.


"Harry," a small voice woke me, "Harry wake up,"

I opened my eyes to see Louis knelt by my bed, "can I help you?" I stretched and made an embarrassingly sexual noise.

"What if they show Mr. Payne?" He asked, referring to our text message.

"Then we are dead, and it won't matter." I smiled and rolled over to go back to sleep.

"Harry, I'm- I.. I," I rolled back towards him, "I'm scared,"

"Louis?" Was he being serious? Louis Tomlinson doesn't get scared.

"I'm not even scared for me, I'm scared for you," he gripped at the sheets on the edge of the bed, "Liam will just kill me, but he needs you." He shook his head, as if trying to forget an image, "what will happen to you?"

I shrugged, "Louis, stop worrying and go to bed," this time I offered an actual smile. "You have your gun again, you should be fine,"

"What about you,"

"I got mad skills," I said, earning a small laugh from Lou, "I can beat anyone down,"

Louis opened his mouth as if he was going to speak, but closed it moments after, remaining in his sitting position next to my bed.

"What do you want me to do Louis?" I asked tiredly. At this point, I realized that Louis was sleeping in the chair. "Louis," I called as he started to get up, probably to go sleep in his jank-ass chair.

He turned to me in reply, raising his eyebrows, "do you want to sleep here?" Honestly there is something wrong with me.

"Harry, I couldn't take the bed from you, you're injured." He backed away and sat back in the chair, "I'm fine right here."

"You've been sleeping there for over a week." I got out of the bed, "if your not sleeping there, neither am I."

"Harry, get in bed,"

"No. I refuse," I challenged him.

"Please stop being childish, I'm tired,"

"If your tired you should probably go to bed,"



"Fine," he crawled into bed. "No, you have to sleep in the bed too," he commanded as I went to walk away.

I dove under the covers at his request. In bed with Louis? Yes please.

"What if I hurt you?" He whispered, and wow his face is really close to mine.

"You wont," I whispered back, he closed his eyes and his eyelashes lay across his cheekbones.

"Why are we whispering," he asked in a whisper.

"Because the best moments don't need to be loud," I quietly replied.

Louis laughed at that, causing me to laugh with him. "That was so cheesy!" His contagious laughter continued.

"Hey! We were having a moment!" We laughed a bit more.

Louis mumbled something after the excitement had dissipated some.

"What was that love?"

He raised his face from the pillow where he had buried it, "I said 'I can't believe I like Harry Styles,"

His words moved something in me and I felt happy, I almost forgot where we were. I wanted to say it back. Could I? Why is this so hard for me?

(A/N: omfg soooooooo as some of you may have realized, I HAVE NO PLAN AT ALL FOR THIS STORY I AM COMPLETELY WINGING EVERYTHING I WRITE. I start a chapter, and I just let it write itself.

Then, if I have writers block, I play subway surfers and listen to Four until I get an idea.)

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