Chapter Thirty

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Louis' POV:

Harry wiped his eyes with the back of his hand as we reached the brick walls surrounding the house. "Is that where the helicopters are?" I asked, having to go on my tip-toes to see over the towering wall. Harry could easily see over it. He nodded and helped his mother and sister over the wall.

Harry helped me over the wall after, purposefully placing his hand over my bum as I climbed over. "Oi! Watch it!" I yelped and hopped down to stand with his family. Harry shrugged with a laugh as he pulled himself over, wincing as he landed.

"Are you alright? Harry's mum asked, being a mum.

"I'm fine mum." Harry replied.  He took the lead, being the stubborn kid he is.

There was a single guard standing in front of the warehouse, Harry made quick work of the obstacle.

"Distract them while I beat the shit out of this guy," Harry pulled me aside.


"They don't know what I do for Liam, they just know it's bad, okay? Please?" He grabbed my hand, making an adorable face.

"Fuck you and your cute face," I groaned, "Fine."

"Hey, I never got your name," I walked over to his mum and sister, being the charming lad I could be.

Harry approached the guy, punching him in the throat. ouch.

"It's Anne," His mum replied, starting to turn around, "What's Harry doing?" I grabbed her shoulders and turned her back towards me, letting go soon after her and 'Gem' shot me strange looks.

"Uh, he's just taking care of something," I quickly answered as the guard Harry now had on the ground let out a scream as Harry stomped on his thigh. The pair turned to see the commotion.

"I have a test I have to do!" I yelled before they could see Harry torturing the poor fellow. I have fought Harry, it is not fun. "Yes, I have to check you for a drug that Liam may have used on you during your stay," I cleared up the lie and held up a hand. "Look at my hand, follow it with your eyes. Not your head." Luckily the pair did as I said without question as Harry dragged the man's body behind some foliage near the large hanger entrance. He waved us over.

"Great, you guys are both good. Thank you." I cut off the 'test' and motioned them to where Harry was waving to us.

"I just broke that guys leg," Harry whispered when I was close to him.

"Uh? Good job?" I asked and checked the doors.

"No, did my mum hear? The snap?" Oh. He had a look on his face and his hands were shaking slightly.

"No.. I didn't hear it... So she probably didn't." I answered, keeping my eyes on his hands. Was it the break that bothered him? Or the fact that he just put a guy into a coma not even 100 yards away from his closest family?

"Good," Harry sighed in relief and ran a hand through his long hair.

"Hate to break it to ya," Gem called from the door, "but there's a pad-lock on this thing."

"Thank you for pointing that out, Gemma," Harry rolled his eyes and held up a silver key, one he was most likely persuading the guard for. I assume Gem is short for Gemma.

Harry unlocked the door and stepped in, his mother and sister following. I followed the three, protecting the weakest two.

Harry poked his head around a corner to check if there were any guards. "There's one or two, but I can take care of them," He turned back around and froze at the look his mother was giving him. Her expression a mixture of worry and surprise, "Or....." He started again, "Lou knows how to fight. He can get them,"

"Yeah sure," I nodded and walked out of the hallway. Harry whispered a little 'be careful' before I came into the line of sight of the two hostiles.

"You can't be here!" One of the two called over, starting to run towards me. He started to aim the rifle he had been holding, but I quickly brought my gun from it's holster and landed two bullets square in the guy's chest. Harry's mum let out a muffled scream at the sound of gunshots. The second man started to raise his gun, but I quickly interfered by sending a bullet through his skull. Do these guys always travel in pairs?

I inwardly groaned as I realized I would have to hide the bodies from Anne and Gemma. I kicked a tarp over the mounds and moved on.

"Here ya go," I handed Harry the first guy's rifle, ignoring the ashen faces of his mum and sister. Hopefully Harry kept them from watching me.

Harry lifted the gun up to look at it. It hit me that I had never seen Harry fight with a gun. He always uses his body to fight. There was one time at the hospital he was holding a gun, but does that count? It wasn't even loaded.

"Harry, do you know how to use that?" He shook his head.

"Liam didn't want me to learn how to shoot. So I couldn't kill him or whatever,"

I sighed out my frustration and handed Harry my pistol and took the rifle. "Just act like you know what you're doing, okay?" He nodded and pulled his family forward.

"Here's one!" Harry called after stepping into the actual hanger. He pulled a large tarp off of a blue helicopter.

"Is it fueled up?" I asked, jogging to where Harry was standing. He started laughing at my question. "What's so funny?" I crossed my arms as Harry motioned his family to get into the helicopter.

"It's electric," He answered, throwing the blade covers down.

"I'm not sure that electric helicopters are a thing," I doubted, looking for a fuel tank.

"It's fine, It's fine." Harry laughed. He started to get into the helicopter, but froze. Harry's wide eyes fixated behind me.

"What's wrong?" I started to walk towards him. He held his hand up to get me to stop.

"Don't move," Liam came from behind me, gripping my arm and shoving the barrel of a gun into my side.

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