Chapter Thirty-Two

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(A/N: I got new glasses and they are so gross i want to barf. I can't wait until my contacts come in)

Louis' POV:

Harry squeezed his eyes shut and pressed down on the trigger. I backed away, waiting for Liam to fall. There was no bang, there was no bullet. There was a click.

Harry opened his eyes and looked at the weapon in his hands, confused. He pulled the trigger again, looking at Liam. Once again, nothing but a click was heard.

Liam, didn't shake the shocked expression from his face, "Y- You would have done it," He breathed out, "You actually would have killed me,"

Harry breathed out a gasp and dropped the gun, dropping his head into his hands.

Liam was just as shocked as me when Harry pulled the trigger. If there had been a bullet in the chamber, I would have had to charged him with murder.

I turned to Liam, who had now regained his composure, and pointed the barrel at him, "This one's loaded,"

Liam scowled at me and seemed as if he were about to say something, but he was cut off by a sob from a shaking Harry. Harry had sunk to the ground, hiding his face in his hands.

I turned to Harry and started walking towards him. "Harry," I spoke softly, pulling his hands away from his face. Harry opened his eyes, tears hanging onto his dark lashes.

"I would have killed him Lou," Harry shoved his face back into his hands.

"Harry it's fine," I wrapped my arms around his shaking figure, "You didn't kill him, it's okay," Harry's body went stiff in my arms before relaxing completely. He jerked for a moment, his hands falling away from his face to grasp at my shirt.

"Harry?" I asked the boy, I didn't expect an answer. He had started to make strangled sounds. Harry fell to the ground, not being able to hold himself up on his knees anymore.

"Your concern for the boy is what killed him. Ironic, isn't it?" Liam spoke from behind me, he held in his hand the black monitor that had been connected to Harry.

"What did you do?!" I stood to face Liam as I laid Harry's head down. "I don't think you know what you've just done," I growled, picking up the rifle I had discarded. It was foolish of me to ever drop it. Foolish of me to ever take my eyes off of Liam.

"Let's not do any thing to hasty," Liam lifted his arms up in mock surrender, "Don't do anything you'll regret,"

"Oh I won't regret it one bit," I lifted the gun up to level with his head.

"Not even a little bit?" He stalled.

I pulled the trigger, "Nope," I answered as his body hit the ground with a thud. As soon as Liam was down, I pulled Harry's family out of the helicopter.

"What's wrong?" His mother asked, kneeling down beside the boy.

"Liam sent him into cardiac arrest," I checked for his pulse, "...maybe," I added as I felt the familiar 'thump' of a heartbeat. He sent him into respiratory arrest. I leaned forwards to place my face by Harry's mouth, not breathing. "Dammit!"

"What?" Gemma asked from beside me.

"He's not breathing." I shook my head at her and leaned down to breathe for Harry.

"What are you doing?" She nearly screamed.

"They are called 'rescue breaths'?" I clarified and gave the first breathe. 1... 2... 3... 4... I gave the second breathe only to be pulled up by Gemma.

"How do I know you're not trying to kill him? Last time he was here he told us that you had shot him,"

"I'm not going to kill him because I love him!" I yelled in response, "and if I don't do this, he is going to die!" I gave Harry a breathe and came back up, "We have to get him to a hospital, or at least head-quarters. Marty should be there still."

The girls nodded, "Oh, and it wasn't me who shot him,"


With not-much help from the girls, I flew the helicopter while they read me the owners manual. Gemma read while Harry's mum kept him from acquiring serious brain damage, providing oxygen for the boy. I had to give her a crash course in CPR too in case his heart stopped. Honestly, it is amazing that we didn't crash.

Technically, we did crash. It wasn't that bad, but you could say I'm not the best pilot. "Well that was decent," Gemma groaned from the passenger seat. I rolled my eyes and rushed to pick up Harry.

The journey to the interrogation room was a long one, we had to stop every five seconds to give Harry breaths. Hopefully the lad will start breathing on his own again.

"What happened?" Marty stood from his seat when we walked in, Zayn had been sitting across from him. Zayn stood as well when I laid Harry down on the small table.

"Zayn take over," I ordered him to breathe for Harry. Zayn rolled his eyes and reluctantly complied with a grumble.

"He's in respiratory arrest," Marty widened his eyes at my words, running out of the room. "What the hell?" I threw my hands up in the air and chased after the lad. "Where are you going?" I called.

"If it was Liam, I have to get the shot!" He didn't stop running. For a skinny guy, damn he runs fast.

"What shot?" I caught up with the boy, struggling to keep up with his panicked pace.

Marty darted up the stairs and headed into Liam's office.

"The little box he used to stop Harry's breathing releases a substance that stops the nerve endings from collecting signals from his lungs. It's not that he can't breathe, it's that his body doesn't know he has to breathe." Marty explained as he rummaged through a box in Liam's office. That's what he had been in such a hurry to get, "And my name is actually Niall, not Marty." He picked up a small vial of a light pink liquid and used a syringe to extract a couple grams.

I opened my mouth to ask him what it does, but he had already taken off down the hallway.

(A/N: I'm not feeling this chapter. I was so bored with it. Ugh. It seems rushed but I have to end the story haha. I have a semi-great idea for my next book. I might take a few days after this one to start it.)

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