Chapter Fifteen

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(A/N: Fuck okay, so my phone was completely smashed. Horrible. Like it was worse than when my dad ran over his phone, and that was pretty terrible. I'm writing that bear thing now and like, okay. I only have an hour while my mom works out because, I don't have wifi at my Jank-Ass home place.Yeah It's bull. BUT, I may or may not be getting my new phone this week. Then updates would be more frequent :). So incredebly sorry.)

Louis POV:

"Harry I'm hungry," I strolled into the kitchen where Harry happened to be doing pullups from one of the rafters, shirtless.

"Oh. That's got to suck," He continued, counting under his breath. damn. okay.

"Seriously? Where do you keep all this hydration you're sweating off?"

"Up my ass," he smiled and dropped down from the rafter, "Let's go get food,"

"Who's bipolar now?" I mumbled, following him and his sweaty gorgeousness.

Harry walked over and bent down to peer into the fridge, "Nope, no food has magically appeared," he sarcastically stood back up, "Damn! I was hoping this time it would work!"

"Shutup and feed me," I replied. I was in no mood for his sarcasm. I just wanted to bend him over the bar. Or the other way around, I don't really care.

"Well, I hope your enjoying yourself," Harry leaned over and whispered in my ear, his hot breath hitting my skin causing me to shudder.


“You stare at me quite often,” He smiled, “I think your obsessed with me,”

“I have been chasing after you for several years,” I smiled back, trying to hide my embarrassment at being caught, “C'mon Harry, I really am hungry,” Changing the subject, harry pulled a strange expression over his face before recovering.

“Lou, you know there is nothing here and-”

“We could go gathering or something,” I suggested.

“It's too dangerous,” He scowled back in reply.

“Well, if you won't go,” I challenged, “I will. See you later Harry,” I walked towards the opening in the ceiling and climbed out, Harry following soon after; pulling his shirt over his head.

“Lou, fine. I'll go with you, but we stay close to the tree line,” I smiled at my small victory and we headed off towards the dense woods that Harry has feared his entire time here.

“Okay,” He pulled two branches of fruits in front of me when we got to the trees, “This one is safe to eat,” He handed me a blue berry, “This one will kill you in seven minutes,” He handed me a pink berry.

“But this one looks so inviting!” I joked and turned to find more of the blue ones.

“Yeah, whatever, Just don't wander off,” He stayed near the clearing.

“Aww, are you worried about me Harry?” I laughed.

“No, but if you come up missing in these woods while I'm here, You know it will be blamed on me and your corporation will kill me,” He glanced up at me from a branch he was working on, “Literally, They are not very-” He stopped talking and froze, “Louis, don't move, don't breathe, don't do anything,”

“What? Why? You can't tell someone not to breathe Harry. It's rude,” Crossing my arms over my chest, I began ranting.

Harry, whose eyes had never left behind me, picked up a stick from the ground and broke the end off, creating a point, “Louis, Look at me,” I shut up and obeyed him for once, “Don't take your eyes off me, and don't flinch when I do this,” He instructed.

“Do what?”

“As soon as I throw this, I want you to run back to the buildings, okay?” He readied the large stick in his hands and stepped forwards, “Don't move yet,”

“Three...” He whispered.



“Seriously what are you doing?” I started to turn around to see the source of Harry's ridiculousness.

“One!” Harry yelled the last word and threw the stick, sending it spiraling into the forehead of a mountain lion that had been crouched not too far behind where I was standing. I screamed when I saw it.

“Go!” Harry instructed, but I didn't move. “Louis, there are more coming. Pumas are pack-animals and there will be more coming. Three just ran off, they are going to try to flank us in,” Harry pushed at my back, but I was still trying to comprehend what was happening.

“Hurry!” Harry yelled once more, the end being cut off by a shriek that much resembled a woman's scream.

(A/N: Okay, This chapter is officially shitty af. So sorry, I didn't have the time to write this the way I wanted to, but hey! An update right? AND OMFG I ALMOST HAVE 1,000 READS. THANSK YOU.) Also, I obviously Did NOT prook read this soooooooooooooo OOPS. OH Well.

I was reading some of the comments and they just give me life omg...

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