Loved [Mikha]

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The sky is dimmed, the cold wind is scraping through my skin, but his embrace keeps me warm. I couldn't see the stars because of the dark clouds blocking them but still I am so satisfied at the moment I am having. No matter how bad the weather turned out, I am still glad because he's with me.

"Sayang, hindi ko chineck 'yong panahon, hindi tuloy natin makita 'yong mga bituin." I heard him sigh on the side of my ears, and his breath made me shiver a little.

I smiled to myself on his cuteness. "It's okay, as long as you're here with me, I'm happy. I feel better now."

He brought me here at a rooftop to have a romantic dinner that he prepared himself. He cooked the food himself, he set the table and decorated the place alone. He wanted to surprise me and I really am pleased and amazed.

He did this because I told him yesterday that I am having a hard time again. He really made this to make me forget what I was feeling yesterday, and thanks to him, I can't remember why I was upset yesterday, and not only that, he even erased the pain from ages ago.

We finished the dinner and were supposedly stargazing, he even prepared telescopes to use but the sky don't seem to accord. It is cloudy and looks like it will pour any moment.

He was really sad but I told him we can instead watch the city's night life here. And now he's backhugging me, enjoying the moment.

"Mas masaya ka sana kung nag-stargazing tayo." He inisted.

I removed his arms around me to freely face him. His eyes is gazing directly on mine with dismay and his lips slightly pouted, I chuckled, he's so damn cute. I held his face and immediately felt the warmth of his cheeks.

"Look, baby, I am more than happy with just the effort you put on this, and greatly overjoyed that I get to spend this night with you. We can do the stargazing in some other time, okay?" I looked at him assuring that he succeeded on his plan, technically, 'cause the stargazing part failed.

He slowly nodded, but his eyes is hesitant. I rolled my eyes, he still can't get over the stargazing. But after seeing me roll my eyes, his lips rose.

Here we go again.

But at least he's convinced now.

He loves teasing and pissing me off like it gives him great satisfaction. He loves to watch me act mean and brat at him for some reason.

"Ang ganda mo talaga kapag nagtataray." He perplexed.

The reason that makes me flattered.

I slightly hit his chest and unconsciously rolled my eyes that made his eyes crinkled at the corner.

"Tapos nagtataray ka dahil kinikilig ka." He laughed.

I arched a brow and crossed my arms to show disbelief.

Wow, he's so confident.

And I hate that it's true.

"Oh, tignan mo, oh." He points at me. "Ang ganda lalo."

I chuckled and just shook my head to his craziness.

"Yeah, and that's how smitten you are with me that even my rudeness captivates you." I rebutted.

"Paano mo nalaman?" He gasped covering his mouth with his hands, acting like I just found out his secret. He looks cute tho... and crazy.

I can't help but laugh. This guy is insane.

I stopped when I felt droplets of rain touch my skin. I looked up at him, he's looking up the sky.

We need to get inside. He might get sick.

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