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Illusion. Mirror Mirror on the wall, mirage mirage, illusion, lie to me with the brightest smile in the cosmos. Lies upon lies, deceit, false pretext and even false admiration, adoration, justification and false doctrine. Hypocritical, confusing, confused, lost, sorrow from the depths of existence. Such is life, such is man, ever fragile, ever weak to reality, barely seeing the real world, trying to grasp the concept if reality, the feeling of living. Illusions blindingly bright and far preferable to the pain and suffering and sorrow and heartbreak. Oh, what am I saying? Who am I kidding. Its out instability that differentiates us from the hollow shells that are the so called perfect beings, our indecisive nature that let's us know we are alive, out curiosity keeps us in line with the original blueprint of our lives. The cry for help, the need for the pain, the need to feel alive. Open your eyes to the truth of the entire matter, wake up to the truth, the mirror isn't all that.

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