6: Dedicated To My Conscience

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Dedicated To My Conscience

Killed by my own hand
Left for dead
Not completely gone
Not completely lost
Never completely dead
Never completely forgotten
Only in a strange slumber that even I cannot comprehend
Lying in wait
In an ambush
Waiting for the right moment
Waiting to strike
But I will not allow it
I leave it locked up
In the deepest and darkest part of my ever dark damned soul
I do not care anymore
I do not bother myself.
Not with the problems of other human beings.
No matter how hard I try.
I cannot allow my conscience to spring up from its confines.
I will not allow her to come out of her dark prison.
She will only come to make me feel for the wrongs I have done.
She will only come to remind me of the damnation that awaits my soul.
I only wish to rewrite my acts and clean my slate.
Before she breaks out of her binds .
Before she comes for me.
Letting out a battle cry like the wailing of tormented souls.
Coming at me with the mighty blade of guilt.
Aiming for my throat.
Ready to cut my heart open.
Ready to end me with my own emotions.
Ready to weaken me.
Reduce me to nothing but a whimpering child.
Vulnerable and without a defender or protector.
Making me go back to the confused and unstable being I once was.
Wanting to hear my screams for help as soothing music to her ears.
Wanting to watch me come undone as a mere entertainment .
My Conscience is as heartless as death itself.
My fight is difficult.
But I will fight to the very end.

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