Chapter 9

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As I fall through the portal I crash into the ground hard. I hiss in pain as try to get up.

"Yikes that's gonna leave a mark...." I said

"Y/n!!" Sonic and Tails rush over to me in worry

"Are you ok?! Are you hurt?!" Sonic asks as he helps me up and keeps me stable

"I'm fine. I'm fine nothing feels broken. It's probably just gonna bruise." I assure him as I stand up on my own

"What happened?" Tails asks.

"We might need to find this compass fast. I think Knuckles and Robotnik will be coming soon." They widen their eyes and nod.

We immediately began to move forward into the cave. I slightly limp but I don't make a big deal about it. I don't need Sonic or Tails worrying about me when we need to stay focused on what's really important. We come across some images on the walls and we all stop to look.

"Tails can you translate??" Sonic asked

Before he could respond my eyes started analyzing the strange language and I read out loud without noticing.

"There were once a group of echidnas. They had emeralds that hold much power. They combined that power to create the master emerald, the most powerful thing in the world. It states that whoever wields the master emerald could take any idea and turn into reality. The Owl tribe believed that no one should ever hold such power and took away the master emerald to guard and protect it. But even they knew they couldn't keep hold of it for long. So they chipped a piece of the emerald off and sent to another world to hopefully keep it hidden from the echidnas. After all no matter who gets hurt they will want that power.......but without that piece...unimaginable power will not be fulfilled..." I slowly trail off

Sonic and Tails stare at me as I go silent

"Hey...are you ok Y/n?" Sonic asks gently as he lightly touch's arm. I stared at him and Tails who looked at me with worry. I sighed and smiled falsely

"Yea I'm ok...I just really need to be careful don't I?" I said

"Hey! Don't worry you have us to protect you! Like you protected us back at the restaurant!" Tails said trying to comfort me. I nod and start walking ahead.

'If this piece is really so important...I can't bare to watch them get hurt because of me...why did I go ever out that night....'

Sonic and Tails watch as Y/n walks ahead they look at each other both concerned for Y/n. They could only hope that they are alright.

*Mini Time Skip*

"Wow! Look at that statue!" Tails exclaimed

"I know it's pretty cool looking." I agree with him

Sonic runs up to the statue and recognizes some of the symbols on there.

"Wait I've seen these before! On the map here!" He said as pointed to the symbols on the map. He then starts to solve the puzzle and one by one the symbols glow a nice green.

I stare in awe as the compass we were looking for flys out of the ground into Sonic's hand. He smiles and cheers. Tails joining him.

"Yea! Master Emerald here we come!!" Sonic goes to high five Tails but notices something on his head. "Huh Tails what's on your head?"

I widen my eyes and push both of them behind me in a protective stance as I glare at Robotnik as Knuckles hangs on the side of his eggmobile.

"Oh thank you so much for doing all the hard work for us! So generous." He smugly states

"Ugh this guy again!!" Tails groans

"Tell me about he's like pimple that won't go away." I say. Robotnik took offense to that but didn't show it.

"Well Sonic. Either you give me the compass now or you die. Either way if you die I can the compass so it's a win for me both ways." He says maliciously

"Ok breaking the serious moment here. What's with that mustache? It was ugly before but now it's even worse." Sonic says. Tails and I laugh at Robotnik. He didn't think it was all that funny.

"How dare you make fun of my mustache! I take pride in it thank you very much. Now give me the compass you rodent!!" He demanded

Sonic only pulls the compass closer. I get ready to protect them just in case.

"Fine. Hard was it is. FIRE!!" All his machines fired and I immediately pushed them down to the ground. I stand up and take my daggers out throwing them hitting some drones and catching them then repeat.

Sonic ran and destroyed some as well and Tails used his machines against them as well. I see Knuckles punch Sonic hard in the gut sending him flying.

"Sonic!!" Tails and I exclaimed and run towards him to help him up.

Knuckles glares harder as I help Sonic stand up. He sprints at us again but Sonic grabbed Tails and I out of the way and up to an back exit of the mountain. Before he left he decided to slow them down by pushing over the owl statue.

"Oh I'm sure that wasn't important!!" Robotnik screams.

I watch as Knuckles has debris falls on top of Knuckles and I almost want to go back to help him but right now he's the enemy.

I turn back around to see Sonic discussing with Tails. "You go high! I go low!" He says

"But what about Y/n?! How will they get down?!" Tails asks

"Just go! I'll figure something out!!" I shout at them

"But-" Sonic try's to reason with me but I glare at him to which he winced and sighs.

The two leave Tails flying out one way as Sonic skies down the mountain. I then see Knuckles punched through the Debris as Robotnik also gets up from the rocks.

'Come on emerald powers don't fail me now!!'

I take a deep breath and jump down the mountain. I feel the wind in my hair as I free fall. I close my eyes I think really hard.

'Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on!!'

I feel a sudden strange sensation on my back and suddenly I wasn't falling anymore...I open my eyes to see that I was floating??

I look behind me and gasp in awe and then turn into annoyance. "Oh so I could have just came up with you instead of being left behind at the restaurant?!"

There was these big, glowing, green wings that sprouted on my back. They flap as I hover in the air.

The wings(not my art btw):

The wings(not my art btw):

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"Alright wings. Let's see how fast you can fly!" I said as zoom up into the sky

"WOOHOO!!" I scream in pure joy. I reach the clouds and stare in wonder. Before I heard explosions below. I see Sonic in trouble with Knuckles following him.

"Looks like I got hedgehog to save." I smirk to myself as I start flying down to help Sonic.

The Emerald Protector (Knuckles x Gender Neutral reader)Where stories live. Discover now