Chapter 14

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We were all flying towards GreenHill as fast as we could.

Tails nervously glanced at Knuckles and chuckled lightly, "I hope you're not mad about me hitting you with a car..."

Knuckles scoffs, "I was completely uninjured. And my revenge will come when you least expect it fox...." He muttered with a smirk and I lightly laugh

I started to shiver due to the cold air blowing in my face. Knuckles noticed this and immediately hugged me closer to try and keep me warm. I slightly blush and look at him but he was looking forward refusing to make eye contact.

I just smile and snuggle closer, I might as well take the opportunity to stay warm instead of freezing due to the air up here. They all have  fur so I doubt their even the slightest bit of  cold.

Knuckles who felt Y/n snuggle closer once again felt his heart jump. Y/n soon enough closed their eyes and fell asleep do to pure exhaustion and weakness. Knuckles almost panicked seeing them close their eyes thinking they were to late and they died. But Tails explained that they were just tired which Knuckles silently sighed in relief.

"What's the deal with you two anyway??" Sonic asked Knuckles

"What do you mean hedgehog?" Knuckles questions

"You both have this...I don't know? Some thing for each other?? You guys act like a couple is basically what I'm saying." Sonic explained

"A...couple?? What is a couple??"

Sonic groans, "Ok. Ok. A couple are two people who go out and date."

Knuckles was still confused  and Sonic rolled his eyes. Tails stepped up to help Sonic out

"Basically you two look like you guys are dating and are in love." He stated not taking his eyes off the sky

Now this time Knuckles understood the meaning of what Love was and he blushed

"What makes you think I am in love with Y/n?"

"Dude it's so obvious. For one your holding onto them like your life depends on it. You worry A LOT about their well-being. I've noticed you got jealous that one time when I talked to them. You blushed when they snuggled closer to you. And-" Sonic was cutoff by Knuckles putting his gloved hand in his face.

"I think I get it now hedgehog...." Knuckles said face looking like a wildfire

Sonic moves his hand and smirks, "Then tell them how you feel!! Because if you don't someone else will take the opportunity."

"How do I even confess exactly??" Knuckles asked

"Just be yourself Knuckles!!" Tails smiled

Knuckles nods hesitantly and looks down towards Y/n and moves their h/c hair out their face. He just smiles and then hugs them closer.

*Time Skip*

By the time the four arrived at GreenHills, Y/n had woken up from a coughing spree. This time luckily there was no blood, but that didn't mean it wasn't painful for Y/n.

Knuckles helped and patted their back gently, which Y/n was grateful for. Once they got closer to GreenHills town they all collectively widen their eyes at the sight of a giant destructive robot.

"Ok here's the plan. Knuckles you-" before Sonic could finish, Knuckles had gripped me tighter then fell backwards off the plane landing on his feet. I didn't even have time to process what he just did.

But once we got down to the ground, I weakly punch his chest. "You could have warned me ya know!"

"Noted." He said before running off with me in his arms towards the robot. Once we got there he set me down somewhere safe. I tried to get up but he pushed me gently back down. I stared at him in confusion.

"No. You must stay here. If you use any more of your strength I'm afraid your body won't function. And I can't lose you." He told me firmly

"But I can't stay here and do nothing!! I have to try and help!!" I argue

"You're helping plenty by letting us know you're safe from danger. I promised to keep you safe and that's what I'm going to do."

"Knuckles my life isn't worth over the millions of others!! Innocents will be harmed if we don't bring Robotnik down!! You need all the help you can get-" I was cutoff by Knuckles

"Don't you understand?! You mean millions to me!! And I can't let you go and get killed knowing I could have prevented it!" He shouts and I widen my eyes

He was shaking slightly and breathing heavily. I sigh, "Ok...for right now I will stay out of danger...but that doesn't I won't be helping. I'll stay hidden since I'm good at that and throw these." I say pulling out my boomerang daggers

'Almost got got I had these...I need to thank Tails again for them...'

Knuckles nods and just before he parted he gave me a kiss on the cheek. I blushed heavily feeling like the sun.

"Stay safe." He said blushing as well before he left running towards the robot

I stood there stunned putting my hand on my cheek where he kissed. I smiled and shook my head. I then started to sneak around the corners and threw my daggers at the robot. It wasn't much but at least I was helping.

It left a couple of dents, which I was proud of. The robot suddenly started to run an opposite direction of the town. I squint and I see Sonic running from it.

"He's gonna get himself killed!!" I say to myself before trying to catch up. But I started to feel pain once again and I fall down on my knees coughing up blood.

"I'm not gonna get there like that....Tom and Maddie!!" I quickly get up ignoring the pain and start moving towards them

"Uncle Tom!! Aunt Maddie!!" I shout

They look around has they hear my voice and widen their eyes at the sight of me before running towards me.

"Oh my god. Y/n!! You're alive!" Maddie tears up as she hugs me.

"Thank god you're ok. We really missed you squirt...." Tom said joining the reunion hug

I almost wanted to break down crying as I hugged them back tightly. I feel like the weights of fear was lifted off of me.

"I missed you to...and I'm sorry I ran away...we'll talk about it later but we need to save Sonic before Robotnik kills him!" I say as I lightly push them away

Tom and Maddie look at each other then back at me and nod firmly.

Just then a random guy in a truck drove by asking something. But We all looked at each other

"You thinking what I'm thinking?" Tom asked both Maddie and I

I nod with a smile

"Let's go get our kid." Maddie said

We all turn to the man and in sync we said, "We need your truck." 

The Emerald Protector (Knuckles x Gender Neutral reader)Where stories live. Discover now