Chapter 6

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Y'all tbh I only watched the Sonic 2 movie once so I don't know all the dialogue by heart. So welcome to me improvising~

"Ok so in order to get the compass we need to find the sacred owl statue or something." Sonic explains

"So your saying we just need to look for a giant owl statue? Got it. Can be to hard." I say confidently. I then hear a buzz and see Sonic grab out a phone? Is a hedgehog allowed to have a phone? Whatever not my place to judge.

He looks at who texted him and groans. "It's just Donut Lord. Let me text him back real quick."

"Donut lord??" Tails and I said in confusion. Sonic stops texting and explains

"Oh. It's actually Tom. I just call him Donut Lord cuz he talks to donuts, and eats them if they get out of line."

My eyes widen at the mention of Tom's name.
"Do you uh....mind...not telling him I'm here...." It was more of demand then a question...

Sonic looks over at me and frowns. "But they miss you!! And I'm sure-" I cut him off

"No! I please I'm not face them..." I say fearfully

Tails notices how I tensed up pats my shoulder. Sonic sighs and nods saying he won't tell say a thing. Then goes back to texting Tom

*With Robotnik*

"Just chilling...watching tv..." knuckles reads out loud

"Dot. Dot. Dot. Dot. Dot. Dot. Dot. Dot. Dot. Dot. Dot-" He goes on for a long time repeating the word 'dot'

Robotnik and Stone turns to him then turns back to the screen. Stone whispers to Robotnik, "Why did you pick up an imbecile..."

"On contrary Stone. That imbecile will lead me to all sorts a power...." Robotnik whispered back

The message finally sent from Tom causing Knuckles to exclaim, "The hedgehog is back home!!"

"Incorrect!! He is saying that to create falsehood!!" Robotnik shouts and heads to his computer and types

"By intercepting his texting with the pastry man he is located at...the top of this mountain." Robotnik smirks

Knuckles stares down at the hologram of Sonic. Robotnik try's to pretend that he's grabbing him and squishing him. Knuckles slams his fist on the hologram sonic destroying it.

"Tiny Hologram Hedgehog destroyed." He said as he gets off his seat walks towards the exit

Robotnik just stares at where the once hologram was before humming in amusement. He then remembers something

"Oh Knuckles~ Who was that person you were fighting with hm? They seemed to be delighted to see their home in shambles."

Knuckles stops in his tracks and turns to him. "That was Y/n. Why do you ask?"

"Oh I don't know it seemed like you guys knew each other. I am a curious person after all. Were they the ones to cause that huge dent in the ground hm? My machines started going crazy because of it."

Knuckles stares at him. Something tells him that he shouldn't say anything. He actually enjoyed Y/n's company. But he reminded himself that they were a lier. A deceiver...

"Yes. They caused it. I've never seen that much power before. Especially in a filthy human." Knuckles felt a pang of guilt after saying that, he couldn't figure out why.

Robotnik nods and smirks evilly. "Then that means my no longer a theory."

Knuckles became confused, "what do you mean?"

Robotnik pulls up some energy spikes. "No human can ever cause such a dent in the ground. Like you said. When machines got anywhere close to it the spazzed out or exploded. I took energy readings and they were very high...very....powerful...Leading me to believe the missing emerald piece is not just a shard waiting to be found...but inside of Y/n as an energy source!!" He explained crazily

Knuckles widens his eyes in shock, "But how do we take it back?!"

"Oh you know there's a couple of options. Option A we kidnap them and force the emerald energy out by draining it out of their body. Or option b kidnap them and take them with us and the master emerald take its energy back from their body. I prefer Option a...." Robotnik muttered the last part

"What would happen if the energy is taken back?" Knuckles asked not really liking option A

"Seeing as the emerald energy has been a part of them, for I don't know, maybe years. It has developed with their body meaning removing it will...immediately cause death...." Robotnik said

Knuckles widens his eyes again

"Or you know it will slowly kill them. Without the emerald energy their body can't function. So 50/50." He Continues

"Now. Off to find that blue rodent and his troubled companions!!" He said and leaves

Knuckles follows but feels a heavy weight on his heart. Maybe he should have kept his mouth shut...

*Back with Y/n*

The waitress came back with our food and slammed them on the table.

She got mine right which was f/f. For Tails and Sonic....well....

"Oh. Um excuse me! I asked for the beef stew!" Tails said as his translator spoke

The lady looked at us offended and called up everyone and they all glared at us

"Uh Tails! What did it say??" Sonic asked

"Maybe they think it's my birthday??" He says as tried fixing the translator

I hide my face down in embarrassment wanting this to end

"Ok I got this. Hey guys! We didn't mean to offend anyone! The translator is being a little difficult. We're very sorry!" Sonic announced

The people now look disgusted and grabs their clothes off revealing their true selfs.

"Uh Meow???" Sonic said nervously

They grabbed them. I felt someone grab me as well, to which I reacted. I turned around and punched them in the face. They stumbled backwards tripping and falling.

The people stare silently before becoming more enraged. They took Sonic and Tails and started heading to the fire.

"Hey!! Let them go!!" I screamed trying to reach for them. I felt some punch me in the face. I stumble but I don't fall. My nose started to bleed.

I glared up at who did it and felt my eyes heat up again. Seeing tiny green sparks in my hand.

The guy who punched me gulped and I punch him straight in the stomach sending him flying. I smirked as I wipe away the blood that was once on my nose.

I hear a muffled scream before I came back to reality realizing people became silent. I see a guy get off of the bar stool and head towards us. He says something then suddenly Music??

"What the hell is happening?!" I asked Tails and Sonic

Before they could answer....I already got it...the man started

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